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I am going to insure my two cats and am looking for a relatively cheap quote. The best so far has been: Argo, M&S and E&L. Has anybody used E&L? Were they any good? I am only really about the vets fee...
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Can anyone give me the signs of a enlarged spllen in dogs , what are the signs and how long would it take for a massive internal bleed to occour Gypsyx
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Has anybody out there had any success treating pet rabbit with abscess on lower jaw line. Vet lanced it once and said not a lot more can be done as infection is in bone. Rabbit is fine at present and...
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Hi, I've got a female indoor cat who is about 1 year old. She's been neutured, but was wondering as we will need to put her in a cattery when we go on holiday, what injections does she need?
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version girl
my dog is coming upto 3 in april,last august we took her to be bred but we were just late of her cycle,we thougth she would have had another season by now but nothing is happening yet can anyone tell...
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Has anyone had problems with E & L dog insurance. I have waited since January for an agreed small payout to no avail. Telephoned numerous times and fobbed off with stories of delays. I am now renaming...
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Our dog (Border Collie X 6yrs old) has a small dark mark that has appeared on the white area of her left eye. Its about 5mm long. I took her to the vet and he said that it could be cancer and reffered...
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As you all know (probably sick of hearing about it) my dog has HD and is slowing down very quickly, as I was at the vets today for his dandruff, I mentioned it to the vet and he has prescribed...
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I was grooming my dog last night and he seems to have dandruff (white flakes in his coat) just on his back, I have never noticed this before....could it be a skin/allergie?? he has recently been...
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I own a fairly average, two storey, semi-detached house. I am not great as estimated heights etc, and need to buy an extension ladder in order to get to the gutters which need clearing out. What...
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Further to my last posting about Billy constantly licking his feet, we have just had his allergy tests back from the vet and he has come up positive for grass, weeds, tree pollens etc. All highly...
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Our 2 and a half year old wheaten terrier has started licking his back paws to the point where his pads are red raw. He has seen the vet twice and there is no underlying problem, ie; anything stuck in...
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stressed out
I'm 8 months pregnant and need to take my cat to the vets this week to be microchipped, i know this may sound like a silly question but i'd rather be safe than sorry, is it safe for me to go in a vet...
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What are peoples thoughts/experience on these vaccines for dogs?
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One of my dogs has an eye infection, so we've been instructed to put a Buster collar (lampshade thingie round his neck) on him for the next fortnight. Is there anything just as effective but less...
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how do you treat diahorea in a 17 week old spaniel?
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she is diabetic but thats under control, she is also blind but don't bother her too much????
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can german shepard dogs drink milk or is i bad for them?
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I've been told by the vet that my cat is asthmatic. She has some steriods which I should give her, but if the coughing symptomps persist she may need an inhaler ! I'm ashmatic myself and often have a...
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ilovemarkb just bought a 17 week old springer spaniel for ?150. Theres no way i could afford ?500 for a kc registered dog.The lady i bought him from assured me that he.d had his vaccinations but didnt have...

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