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Europe spokesman Graham Brady resigned from the party's front bench yesterday and three more Tory spokesmen could quit over Grammar schools row. Last night, a poll found that voters now believe that...
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Given the complexities of trusting the British people to make decisions in a referendum, (which I totally accept for some complex issues, such as financial services law, foreign policy, trading...
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O.K. so it's a bit early, but the sky is black and getting blacker. So why not?
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Wouldn't it be a good idea to hold referendums instead of having politicians passing laws? We could solve the crime problem at a stroke, or several if the majority of our 60 million people had the say...
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Baby Jane
I am off for a week to decorate at home, thing is at the moment I have no internet at home, I will miss every thing this week on AB so I will need to catch up, could you lovely people keep me updated....
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The Rayleigh shooting. 2 piles of scum were interrupted raiding a delivery to a cashpoint in their attempt to get something for nothing at the expense of everybody else, when a 24yo member of the...
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What are your views on marijuana usage? Do you find it acceptable? Do you use it yourself? What do you think of it compared to alcohol and its associated problems? What about punishments for use and...
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Going on a long haul flight soon and wonder if anyone can recommend anything that's strong and actually works? I have tried valluim before but it seems to have the opposite effect on me. Thanks in...
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Mani Hussain
As I've mentioned a few times on here I found God whilst at my lowest ebb in prison. I had an amazing conversion experince and Jesus has really helped me to confront some difficult issues in my life....
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If you are not religious, why do you get so heated up at those people that are?
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After watching the Panorama programme on Scientology, it struck me that those who find faith of any description usually feel the need to join an organisation full of like-minded people. I have my...
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Christians are very thin on the ground on R&S lately. Have they finally seen the error of their ways?
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Why do people believe in God?, I have spoken to several deeply religious people who have all tried to put their reasons for Gods existance but as yet I can not be won over. However,I do feel that...
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Could you tell me about the basic elements/beliefs of scientology? What are your views on it?
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write a speech about 20 lines of the benefits to a ashram to a community??????
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Do you prefer to live in a big busy city or do you enjoy the peace and tranquility of the country? I've spent most of my adult life living in the city (ok, large town) and I've recently moved back to...
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are u always so vindictive i do wonder ? never heared of u till a while ago u seem to sit on the fence then come out with a load of abuse , why dont you IGNORE PEOPLE if u find them offensive u will...
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Does any body play a musical instrument for relaxation? I muck about with an accoustic guitar and keyboard, but I'd really really like to play the banjo, like in duelling banjos from the film...
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Ive been wondering after browsing answerbank for the last hour solid, why some people post questions on here asking for the simplest things like song lyrics or adresses of companies etc. Have these...
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my son doesnt understand the question he has for his homework. the question is "write a speech of twenty lines of the benefits to a ashram to a community" please help!!!!!

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