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why is it you always pick on the people who are truth you know they are in the right like jesus but still the people had to pick on him it happens to all the prophets i belive islam is right and thats...
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has anyone converted their religion to muslim? what kind of things are involved and how hard did u find it? my bf is muslim so it is somethign i want to and am prepared to do whatever the involvement,...
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has anyone converted their religion to muslim? what kind of things are involved and how hard did u find it? my bf is muslim so it is somethign i want to and am prepared to do whatever the involvement,...
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Why do Muslims think that Ishmael was the son that Abraham was to sacrifice? Surely the Bible / torah is an earlier work and thus puts Islam's belief that Ishmael was to be sacrificed into dis-repute?
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I have heard of a bible code. It apparently said about the twin towers and other things. It is also meant to say that there is going to be a nuclear war or something in 2006. Does any1 have any info...
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Can I have your opinions please on what the best UK newspaper is. I live in London and am trying to get into reading newspapers - but they all seem so focussed on scandals/'celebrities' and other...
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I have just read that we as a nation are being accused of being insensitive to muslims because we serve pork at school dinners? And they wonder why islamaphobia is on the increase. What are your views...

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