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Hi, all, think this should be in jobs and careers, but think I may get more response here. And this will seem like a stupid, last minute question. But I have an appeal hearing tomorrow, re my daughter...
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woody 911
There is a really catchy electronic tune in these films which was also played on the best of top gear 12/3/06 when they were reviewing one of the cars. I have listened to both soundtracks and it...
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My husband is a major pain when he has had a swift half. I just bide my time and watch him lighting up the fag - knowing full well he will have one draw and then fall asleep. The fun,for me then...
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Saddo me, just watched deal or no deal. Was'nt that Marcus lovely. Who agrees?
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I am so bored my daughter has gone to her dads for the weekend, and i feel so fed up......anyone got any ideas to what i can do within the house!!!! i need to keep ocupied as i will sit and cry...
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Hi there, I was just wondering. Yesterday I was listening to a music track, about 20 years old! and found myself singing along, remembering all the lyrics. So I wondered how come I can remember the...
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6 weeks ago my daughter had a mouse.she paid ?85 for someone to come out he put the usual bait and things they do and 3 weeks ago got the all clear.but this morning she has seen mouse droppings .the...
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Hi all. Have been out of the workplace for a number of years whilst bringing up my children as a lone parent. Have just been invited for a job interview. Am so nervous you would not believe it. Any...
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who else is bored on a saturday night and scrolling through AB?
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Where can I buy one of those luggage cases on wheels for my little boy (5)? Preferably with a cartoon or logo like Power Rangers. Thank you but please don't suggest looking on a search engine; I have...
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I know similar questions have been asked already but, having decided my huge flabby belly makes me look pregnant and not being able to afford gym prices, I have decided to invest in a celeb fitness...
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hi, have just downloaded shareaza. Are you able to burn the tracks on to a cd? If so how? Many thanks.
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do you think this is a pointless excuse for a television show. vernon and tess are great, i just think the whole idea of it is, well how can i put it............. scraping the barrell television. and...
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is anyone else ever sore after a night at their boyfriends house?!? i always need a day to recover !!! why am i still hurting?
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fact searche
is it really true that the majourity of women are bisexual or at leats dream and fantasize about other women and wish it comes true?
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Who is he ? Have seen him in something else but can't think what it is
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I have been with my partner for six years. Last summer we were supposed to buy a house together, we got a mortgage sorted and had been looking and then he met me for lunch one day and told me he was a...
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Harry Hill and his tv blurbs is my highlight of the week. Does that make me a saddo?
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.....I tried to watch the programme, but it was so distressing, I had to walk out of the room for a good cry. To see a conjoined baby with no torso suckling, crying & smiling, knowing it would...
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Hi, is there a organisation where I could be of help to woman who are going through post natal depression. Where I could be of help either voluntary or paid?

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