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Kozmic Blues
What has to be your favourite all time film?? I love Grease!!!
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What do you think it is, im going for "the way you look tonight".
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On Dutch TV last night:- Many Dutch are eating Hallal meat. Because the Muslims are allowed to Slaughter in their Ritual manner some Slaughterhouses have gone entirely over to this method. The meat is...
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Could you give me any facts about protestants and catholics?
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Graffiti, antisocial behaviour or beautification of eyesores?
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The Big Gill
Hats off to their fans. Two-nil down at home, and still singing, clapping, jumping up and down - and I hear they were good enough to applaud Spurs off the pitch. I'm ashamed to say I'd lumped them in...
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I was born on that day. Can you recall what you were doing on this date ? What was happening in the news and sport etc....
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Is there another Country that is as Hypocritical as the USA ? Can you remember their Politicians 'Glad-handing' Gerry Adams and Martin McGuiness when their hands were still stained with the blood of...
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If as reported the Taliban are now getting ready to attack mainland Britain. Should we now be preparing to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, so as to be ready for them to protect our own...
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I got an email recently which somewhat startled me. Being always hesistant to support the death penalty because of possible mistaken conviction, is a situation such as here where there is definitely...
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I would like to post a photo of fox who adopted a kitten, how do I do this please? ( I'm not very up on computers yet! ). Gelda
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After reading the many threads about muslims in our community, I can honestly say that I can kinda understand both sides of the story. It seems that a few extremists are ruining peaceful...
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Judging from the amount of postings on the other 3 categories of NEWS, proves it just ain't working. Agree or Disagree?
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It has been reported that a Email has been circulated around the Greater Manchester Police, that if they have a warrant issued for the arrest of a Muslim, then they are to show sensitivity and not to...
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Or is it the beggining of a Christian backlash? /news/news.html?in_article_id=411477&in_page_i d=1770
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There is a deliberate purpose to this madness. For weeks the people of the UK have witnessed the blatant demonisation of Islam. Evereyday in the papers we see reports of how the muslims are not...
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I accidently put 1litre of water in the oil tank in my BMW 320i. I am assuming it will need draining but can I drive it?????
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AB Editor
Thanks everyone for your comments. We are writing them down as they come in! We put a rush on addressing the most frequent suggestions. You'll now find that by clicking on 'Topics' you'll be able to...
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munawar butt
In Ancient time, Who & how discover the Atom?
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There was an article in last weekend's Times about how the 'shoe rapist' (1980s multiple rapist from S Yorkshire) was caught using DNA evidence. When arrested he admitted the offences, and got life,...

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