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Mr or mrs ed please check noknowledges and some of his friends answers to me and many other users, he has being nothing but rude abusive and a bully to many innocent users all night and to me as you...
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Does anyone believe this statement?
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KP, got to hand it to her tonight, she took it on and did well, she's sort of growing on me a bit Bobbi x...
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I have just been chatting to a cousin I havent seen since we were 13
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I really need a hand finding a unique but personal present for my bf, its our first christmas and wanna make good impression, any guys or girls with advice is muchly appreciated. Ty xxx PS have looked...
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Why is it such a big deal? I'd rather my dad leave it up rather than not putting it up and getting wee all over the seat, which he doesn't clean up. Then when my mum or I come to use it and complain,...
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My daughter has just found she is pregnant. She is unemployed and claiming JSA, nobody in the house is working at present. (ill health and redundancy) Cash is very tight, I need to know what benefits...
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Hi All, I began a friendship with a female colleage at work who just joined, however she/they are having a lot of money difficulties and her partner (they are gay) is claiming benefits for all sorts...
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Where exactly is this line that divides us, im talking metaphorically as me and my mates have that old ongoing joke im a southerner and the ones in question are northerners so we have that playful...
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Hands up all those who expect to see legislation giving Human Rights to those in mixed relationships....... http://www.telegraph....umans-and-robots.html...
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This story is second hand, but I have no reason to doubt the truth of it. A friend of a friend was on a bus the other day - it was a pretty full bus. It stopped as there was a young girl with a young...
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These two questions popped up at pub quiz last night .............NO googling, peeps. Name the Seven actors who played "The Magnificent Seven"? Which Actor was the ONLY surviving member of...
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Every year a number of young people will develop serious mental illnesses, including schizophrenia. Is there any evidence to suggest that the use of drugs like, cannabis or ecstasy, has had an effect...
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A Question was posed "why was the abuser who used WTF not deemed to fall foul of 'swearing rules'?" and the Answer by the Spare ED was “Because "WTF" doesn't have any of the...
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(Or even an aunty-climax come to that... Urgh.) So disappointing and you feel like a balloon that's been let down verrrrry verrry slowly. Rather than that riproaring farting sound & it flying away...
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What a horrible way to go . It is a sad reflection on the society that we live in today that people dont feel it safe to go and investigate a cry for help...
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Yesterday on This Morning Dr Steele recommended Blueberry Punch an antioxidant drink. I checked the price quite expensive £34 95 for 750ml bottle, it is concentrated, it seems to be available...
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I have falling in love with a lovely lady on a chat site,and she with me,we have been in touch by email and phone,however we have not seen any pictures of each other. We keep saying that we will meet...
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Would recommend it - pretty atmospheric especially when sitting in the second row.
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Grandkids Xmas pressies I think. Doctor Spoc PhD (Visual Arts, University of Umbridge)...

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