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Like, how are you supposed to use each one? Is one of them a spray and the other one you pour? And do you spray the spray straight on or into your hand first then onto your face? I've always wondered...
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Does it exist or is it an excuse for naughty kids? One of our neighbours kids (6 yrs old) threw a stone in one of my kids eyes. When my eldest son asked his father why he didnt punish him he was told...
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What three traits attract you to someone as a friend?
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... love 'em or hate 'em ?
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What floats it?
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Who do you think are the most "Dominating Abers" or should i rephrase that question "The Wannabees"
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I rarely undertake in sycophantic (sense the scotch reaching for their dictionaries) or personal threads, but thought I will write one to you. Now I am fully aware that I have berated you in the past...
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naughty, somebody xx
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Yes it is all very sad watching little children die on the TV, but where does one draw the line? Near enough EVERY African nation has civil war, mad despotic leaders or violent border controls (can...
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I only require one answer as I can not make up my mind. I have a Chinese takeaway menu in my hand (different from the last one) and I require one number between 1--17 18--29 29--52 52--62 Thank you so...
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What's the fascination? I tried it, only seem to have a small room. They want credit card info to sell me virtual items? This a joke, right? Digital dollshouse or worthwhile entertainment?
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What is a " national and inter-nation harassment warning." Do they actually exist or are they a figment of a vivid imagination ? I suspect that they dont actually exist but in the recesses of someones...
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Whats your favourite colour polo fruit ? I like the red ones .
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What kind of handsoap do you use ? I like dove but sometimes i like to buy pears because its that strange colour and has that unusual smell.
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gone mad today?? Ive always said this place is full of E numbers....
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Lucy Thomas
What idiot writes the 'Have Your Say' polls on here. I would like to vote on the current one but neither of the options is appropriate. Surely there should be an option which says 'It's even better...
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keeps starting then stopping is this normal? im not really an expert on this piece of equipment as i dont believe i have even touched one
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What is the point of AB Polls when there isn't an answer "I don't give a xxxx" About Mrs Clinton or Bollak Obama I don't give a xxxx, and i am afraid that is the answer i would give about most of...
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rather large Gin + tonic into in hand and it would be rude to refuse G'night all Happy chattin' See you all on the morrow
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how much poo do you put up with from husband before you say enough is enough??

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