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Kozmic Blues

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Why is it that some people can remember things that happened years ago, but cannot remember what happened last week.
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just wanted to say i won't be back on AB. thanx to all of you who made me feel welcome. anyone who wants to get in touch can ask wonderwoman or whiskeysheri, they will pass on a message. posy xXx
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Has anybody read about a new initiative called Cool Earth, which Frank Field, former Labour Minister is helping to launch, to enable individuals to buy areas of rainforest to save them being destroyed...
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what are your beliefs when it comes to spirits/ghosts have u ever had any strange encounters
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Kozmic Blues
How do I minimize a photo to avatar size, say 100x100/6 Kb. I have photoshop elements 4, but it seems to cut parts of the photo out, instead of just minimizing the whole photo. Is this able to be done...
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Im trying to put a clip on YouTube, problem is it takes approx 2 hours 5 mins to upload, my computer re-boots every 2 hours. Ive tried closing down all other programs to speed it up but to no avail.
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Kozmic Blues
My computer can read CD & DVD Rom's, but cannot open blank Cd's. A message comes up with a loud beep. Could there be something wrong with the hard disk drive?
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how do i change my imei number on my sony ericsson k750i
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I want to wire 6 speakers in 2 rooms (3 in each room). I want to use a speaker selector so I can have the speakers on in either room or both. I was planning on using a standard stereo power amp but...
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Do tehy really have the strongest poison known to man but can't use it because they've got no teeth? Or was Ricky Jervais (sp?) telling fibbs?
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A couple of weeks ago I asked for ideas for breeds of dogs for our new family pet. Thanks to every one who responded. Thought you might be interested to know we went for the Jack Russell. Che is...
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Do you tend to speak more to your online friends than your real life friends?
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Hello Hello Hello!!!! to Rocky Raccoon and Kosmic and all.... Dylan the Dobie is absolutely amazing and as daft as a brush lol.... he has eaten his way through paddywhacks and shed loads of rawhide...
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my recycle bin has gone how can i get it back please
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Just a quick ask. How are you getting on with Dylan, has he eaten your kitchen yet.
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I have a rabbit who has a fairly large rabbit run but i would like her to have a larger one is there any sites on the net that shows you how to make one. Thankyou
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Kozmic Blues
Just wondering did anyone test their IQ?? In the test the nation test?? And how did YOU all do?? kozmic
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After trawling through so many websites looking at the suffering dogs go through in the hands of ourselves isn't it time we sat back and realized that a dog is what WE make it. Remember they all start...
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how much shampoo should you use on your hair ?- can using too much shampoo cause any problems with your hair?
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should all dogs be kept on leads in public by law ? in am in the uk ..thankyou x

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