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Kozmic Blues

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I was telling a friend about AB and she said she didn't want to join it because she didn't want loads of emails. I was a bit confused so looked in 'about us' at the top of the page and it does indeed...
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Kozmic Blues
I have bought a new canister filter for my new aquarium it holds 280 Lt's. When I had just about everything setup & ready, I noticed that the connections were too small to fit around the rim of the...
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My Mum had a Seizure last week completely out of the blue (whilst lying in bed!) She has never had anything like this before. it lasted about 2 minutes then it took 30-40 minutes to bring her around....
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What's the nicest thing that happended to you today?
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just found out i have got v.i.p tickets to the mtv european music awards party at sound in london, and was wondering whats the best thing you have ever won?
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Kozmic Blues
I have pain when I breath in & out, the pain is only present in my right lung. I have had this pain for four weeks now, I have had no cough. I thought it would pass therefore did not go to my GP. The...
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Kozmic Blues
Where would be a nice quiet place in the south of Cyprus?
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a friend of mine claims that when he went to pick up a very large brown moth it bit him - surely moths dont bite?
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Has anybody resolved to change their lifestyle to try and reduce the effect sof global warming, even if it means adopting measures which are more expensive or inconvenient? Or are you happy to adopt...
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People are encouraged to recycle ie compost veg peelings etc but is there anything being done to combat the tons and tons of plastic bags going into landfill sites every day ?
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what uk natives eat holly berries - if any
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Does anyone know if this is common practise? About four weeks ago my aunty's dog's eye popped out for some reason (they don't know why yet - I would guess a tumour).and the poor dog was screaming in...
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Kozmic Blues
What is your favourite song or album at the moment??
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please read other question and answer. many thanks
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which leafy mediterranean salad plant is also called argula.
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Saw a docu and it showed him on a boat with a boxer ,just looked on google and it said he had a dalmatian ..anyone know which breed he had?
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anyone know the possible cause of these in someone otherwise healthy and blood test came up clear? thanks
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I would like to take this thread as an apology about my constant posting of non questions and i'm asking for forgiveness. If i have offened anyone with any of my questions/poems/jokes please I'M...
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Headless Rat
What do you do when you get really fed up of someone (with good reason) and decide to cut them out of your life because it seems like they will just keep treating you with the same disrespect ?EVEN...
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our cat had bad diorrhea with blood in so we took it to the vets, got antibiotics, and were given some goo that you add to his food to 'bind' him up(!) Problem is we gave him this binding mixture, and...

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