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“Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our English dead……. And you, good men, whose limbs were made in England, show us here the mettle of...
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Hi all, in the past I have received messages from postmaster telling me that my email could not be sent due to some error,which I corrected. This leads me to ask the question :- How secure are our...
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http://www.dailymail....orters-locked-up.html Is this why Asian families tend to live in overwhelmingly Asian areas? For self-protection perhaps?...
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Such determination, 60 feet up a Scots Pine tree this morning- and although she is still very poorly, she has been moving round the nest. Dad is feeding the chicks, we all wish she would ask for a...
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Is this a rival to the i-pad or the i-phone?
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I got a new logitech plug & play mouse today because my current one (same type/brand) has an annoying loose connection. It's supposed to just plug in and go but on 5 attempts I'm getting either...
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My daughter has tried 5 different restoration dates, but each time she is told that restore has been unsuccessful. Is there anything else to try?...
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I keep losing my connection after about 45mins. for no apparent reason.I'm using a Belkin N Wireless Modem Router which is only about 18mnths. old. I've tried swiching everything off & unplugging...
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If this volcanic ash cloud business was a cover up for somthing else going on that the powers that be were trying to cover up, give any idea's of what could be being covered up.
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Am I on my own again?
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http://www.dailymail....7-000-payout-MoD.html Very glad she didn't get the £1,142,257 she expected, but she did get £17,000, that's £17,000 more than she deserves. She should pay...
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http://www.independen...-meeting-1945939.html Shouldn't all legitimate political parties be allowed to conduct a meeting without the usual trouble makers assembling to disrupt the meeting?...
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Francis Asis
that a quick google would give the answer to?
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Has there ever been movies released on mini DVD disc ? Strange that you can buy blank ones to record on a handy cam but so far movies have never been released on one ? I think this should be the next...
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Is Fatboy the most annoying character EVER in Eastenders? I'm not sure what language he speaks but he needs subtitles....
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Was round the door earlier..... What a pratt. . . .
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http://www.dailymail....ds-British-study.html I know I am once again walking on dodgy ground, but in the interest of a debate, is this study completely correct? Yes one cannot doubt that some mixed...

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