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What made you choose yours?
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I only have a small frame and a reletively small arse but it looks big on my small frame, i like it but all my family take the **** out of it. Have you got any features that your family or friends...
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how long does it take for a "standard" mushroom to grow
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Just the question has now been removed, do I have to give the trophy back? Not gonna polish it if it's gotta be returned lol
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What's your favorite useless fact? Mines, did you know a snails slime is so thick that they can walk over a razor and not get hurt.
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Does anybody actually blow whilst giving a blow-job? Or when you were young, did you believe you should?
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Pigeons shi* on peoples but do they pis* on them too?
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would you ever cheat on your spouse? or have you ever cheated?
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a friend is getting unwanted attention from someone @ work. they postponed there wedding and this person thinks its because of them. how does the fiancee deal with this pest?
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if i worked with your husband would you feel threatened by me?
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sorry if anybody else has said but i have not seen it??
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Am just wondering (as you do) what is it like to be knocked out, in a fight or by getting a mega thump from something or someone. Has anyone been knocked out (I don't mean under anaesthetic) And why...
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Eric Git
Ok tomorrow is Friday 13th, are you taking any precautions or do you think that it's all a load of Bull SH*T, or do good things happen to you on Friday 13th? Come on what are you going to do?
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I posted a question yesterday and got a real bad response. The question I posted promted me to question the reasons for what I am doing and the reasons for what the other man is doing so I posted a...
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Would you or wouldn't you consider Artificial Insemination? Why?
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Watching them perform Biology at the Vodaphone awards thingy on channel 4.. What bothers me - Why so many blatant crotch shots? Are we so obsessed with sex that we'd rather look at some minging...
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please be honest and tell me whether you think i am attractive. I will take critisism, i just want honesty. I am the oone highest up on the left hand side (not the one with the pink top on)...
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hi, i am having a lot of trouble putting on weight. I am a 26yr old male, 6'2" and weigh 11.5stones. I dont exercise and can away with eating whatever i like and in whatever quantities. I...
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Where do you got to be tested out for food allergies? How much does it cost?
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i have just taken an iq test and i have an IQ of 127,i think thats good?? whats yours??

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