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Oneeyedvic ///A primary school in Weston-super-Mare has been criticised for banning Valentine cards to save pupils the "emotional trauma" of being...
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one year ago an old lady walked into my son-in-law's car on a very dismal night. An ambulance was flagged down. A passing motorist told the ambulancemen that it was totally the lady's fault. She...
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Hi there, A colleague of mine is separated from his wife and has been for approx 2 1/2 years. Not many people know and he has asked me some advice, which I dont really know the answers too, hence my...
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I had surgery last summer to remove my gallbladder following a very painful 9 months of gallstones (apparently my gallbladder was "crammed full" of them and I was limited to eating jacket...
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What is the catch with the no win/ no fee ads?. Could it be that whoever loses has to pay the other sides legal fees plus court expenses or/and the lawers on both sides have agreed to share the fees...
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What would be the best way of stopping my 12 year old son from using inappropraite 'playground' language and cursing at home? Its really starting to grate on the family. I know it goes on at school...
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Ok, i dont want to come off sounding *** because its not like that.. but basically, my best friend is really lovely and everything but she is one of those people who always wants new friends etc etc...
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Basically yesterday it was my birthday and my dad got me an Iphone. It wasnt a brand new one, it was one he bought off his friend, because the new ones are SO expensive. Anyway its good condition...
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We live down a cul-de-sac which is horse shoe shaped & all but 1 house is on street parking. The house that has a drive is on the right hand side of the curve (hope that makes sense!). We moved in...
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Hi All. I have a car at my garage that failed its MOT 2yrs ago. The lady that owned it didnt want it fixed and verbally gave me the car to scrap. Its now been with me for the whole 2yrs. I,ve since...
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Everything about our relationship is great, apart from his friendship with his ex.We’ve argued about it,and he’s told me that they’re friends.e even told her we argued about it, She...
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my brother was involved in an accident 8 months ago...a driver smashed into the back of his work lorry ,,inside weree him and his work brother hurt his back so got a claim in,his workmate...
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what triggers an attack? i have gallstones and am on waiting list to see consultant to have gall bladder removed. in the meantime, i'm avoiding all things containing more than a trace of fat, but...
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Hi all I have recently started the LPC and have a really simple piece of non-assessed homework. I am completely OK with the content but, need a little bit of advice re. the formalities. I have a...
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im new to G&S and its been bugging me, whats the story?
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I have very red patches on the palm side of both hands - mostly on the outer side (the part of the hand running down from the little finger). It's constantly red and looks blotchy, and sometimes it...
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We have just decorated the whole of our house, its in minimalistic style, virtually all white with chrome accessories. The place looks great, but we would like a dog to finish it off. It must be all...
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Hi i am going on holiday next month, and would like some tips on how to lose a bit of weight quickly. i have tried search engines but im getting so confused with all the different ways there is to...
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How watertight are the parental indemnity forms? Do they adequately protect the defendant or indeed the claimant's solicitor from any future claim made by the child concerned?
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I need a solicitor expierenced in litigation regarding adverse possession (my home) with successful cases, can you recommended one?

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