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I've just bought myself some of the Beauty Flash Balm and tried it out for the first time this morning. I was expecting miracles - that i would get a nice glow and just looked a bit more awake and...
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Hi I am off on holiday with my faimily in the next 2 weeks and need some inspiration for holiday reading. I can easily plough thru 4-5 books in a 2 week period. I like:- Chic lit ( for the 30+ age...
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what is wrong with me...i am gay , slightly disabled fairly sane for 51 yo and i dont want a guy for love just companionship. Does such a guy exist or does everyone think i am mad
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This is for a friend who's a little confused about her relationship and isnt sure whether she should let it all go and move on? At what point do you think its better to let go?
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I met a guy a few weeks ago at a party and we've been dating since - with HIM asking to meet up 2-3 times a week - we had not yet discussed if we were a couple - however after 4 weeks of this he was...
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legal girl
About 2 months ago I used a dark brown hair dye just for a change. Most of the colour has now gone and I want to know when it will be safe to use Sun-In again? I used to use Sun-In regularly. I know...
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I met my boyfriend through a dating website a couple of months ago. We met in person about a month ago and have seen a lot of each other ever since. We have been getting on really well and he even...
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My boyfriend and i were texting each other this morning and then i didnt get a text back for a while so i text him asking if work was busy and the rest of the texts went as follows; BF: I was driving,...
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Am I missing something but did any of the flood victims actually put their possessions upstairs i.e. where the water couldn't get to them? Every house I see on the news has got the TV, electrical...
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I have been seeing this guy for two months. He's totally rubbish at organising to see me, I am quite a busy person so we're seeing each other about once a week and it's ******* me off. If he really...
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Last month I had a meeting with my manager which resulted in me handing my notice. I had worked there for 10 months and things weren't going well with the product (I'm in sales) and we decided it...
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What should I dress up as for the Harry Potter party tonight? I have no money for a costume so need to use household things! I'm a girl by the way.
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It is mine and my boyfriends 1 year anniversary on August 4th and I am completely stuck for a present! He's one of these people who just buys what he wants and we are moving in together in September...
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I have been friends with a guy for about 2 years now and there is alot of us that hang out in a crowd together. lately i've noticed he seems to be paying more attention to me that others and...
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A friend of mine said his (ex) girlfriend had a poo at his house and it was so big it wouldn't flush. Eventually they had to involve his mum, and they had to cut it in half with a knife. He said she...
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What do you think will happen in the last book?? and some one said to me today 'look out for his cousin'. What about him? Have there been any hints or is someone pulling my leg? Oh and I personally...
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my mum is gettin a new kitten tomorrow, shes pure white with long hair but we dont know what to call her....any ideas?X
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On This morning there was a British guy called James Riley who at 26 years old was a virgin and travelled to a 'virgin school' in Amsterdam where very old women teach him the basics before ultimately...
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Can anyone give me ideas on how to liven up yorkshire puds please?
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not returning any calls or texts and just ignoring you? When you've had what you thought a serious relationship which last for years?

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