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Almost all of my ancestors are British. But my father's mother's father may have been Asian. Is there any ancestry DNA test that could tell me anything about this? Or is that too many alternation of...
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Have any of you ladies had this done ? I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :) Does it hurt ? My...
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Khandro Should we allow China to dictate to whom our Prime Minister may or may not...
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How much would you say a garage is worth in Nottingham? It needs work doing on it but directly I between 2 of my neighbors houses. I want them to bid for it. How much would you think?
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I saw an old friend in the newsagents yesterday. By this morning she had managed to travel to Nigeria to attend a seminar and there, on the way from the airport to the hotel, be robbed of all her...
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Is David trying to shaft Ed or is he for real?
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Am totally fascinated by military can anybody know is military humvee can be purchased by local civilian like us?
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People born before 1946 were called - The Greatest Generation. People born between 1946 and 1964 are called - The Baby Boomers. People born between 1965 and 1979 are called - Generation X. People born...
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Three of us booked a holiday and paid in full. Then one person cancelled and the travel company only part-refunded them. They explained that this was because the cost of the holiday increased for the...
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I love reading books about, well... weird people I guess. Things such as The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson are my favourites (plus the rest of his repertoire). Can anyone suggest any other non-fiction...
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any one help please thank you
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Can we really complain about the sheer quality of the show? Not too 'Leftist' or too multicultural is it? (apart from Tinie, Jessie and Taoi)....
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