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Been a while since i bn here, hubby moved out on the 9th june, found out on monday that al my suspicions were right , he's bn txting my best mate n goin 2 c her, but swears nothing goin on. she booted...
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Likes Music and is an Excellent Dancer,But F**king useless at mouth to mouth resusuatation
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I am six weeks prg and have cronic pain down right side, left side and in my back. told it could be start of miscarriage but im not bleeding. any ideas?
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i need to know whether i can change my 3yr old sons birth certificate as the name of the father on it is incorrect? he now knows his real dad and sees him should i put his name on it or leave it...
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a single mum currently getting smp...she wants to move into a house in leeds which is ?500 pcm...she currently gets ?190 per ek from smp for her and ?18 off child benefit for baby......she wants this...
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how would you deal with/handle cheek from a friend of your son? I'm not impressed and told him so. Not an ounce of remorse, thought it was hilarious. I didn't. (Having said I didn't think it was...
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ive posted on here before how my desire to have another baby is not as strong as my partners, we have a boy and a girl and io think thats the perfect balance. My son {his stepson} is nearly 9 and my...
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Is this not just the saddest story? and_east/8132642.stm
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Does anyone else think that Kelly Clarkson has got a hot figure ? I Just love those curves !
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Does anyone know if it is against the law to leave a dog in a car - even at 9am, in the shade, in a cool, well air-conditioned car, with the window open a few inches, for 10 minutes?? I did this while...
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I hear after having an abortion your not ment to fly for 48 hours afterwards, could anyone tell me the reason for this or what risks there could be if someone did go on a long haul flight within 24...
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My friend has recently split up with her husband ? they have two young children. She bought him out of the house and he walked away with approx ?28k in his hand. Thing is is that he is not helping her...
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my husand & i have been seperated now for 8 monthswe have 2 children aged 9&11 whom live with myself. all he pays is the morgage he is self employed has his own businesses i work 17hrs a week...
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I've had an itchy bumhole for months. No matter how hard i scratch (it is strangely quite a satisfying feeling) the itch never seems to go away. I don't want to see the doc because he's already seen...
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Hi I'm just wondering if you give your baby sweets? I've never bothered giving my daughter sweets since she is that young she doens't need them and doesn't know what they are. Theres plenty time in a...
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I live in South Wales, Uk and every morning just as it is about to get light, I have noticed a single bright 'star' in the sky. The rest of the sky is starless. I'm pretty sure this is more likely to...
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whats yours could be saveing money makeing food go further saveing on fuel whatever do share xx
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hi recently had a argurment with my partner n now social services and police are blowing it way outta porportion. it seems like there trying to talk us into separating perm but neither me or my...
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would u want ur boyfriend to shave, trim, or leave it alone? if shave, any specific parts? or everything? if trim, how short?
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After having my daughter 16 months ago i had a coil fitted and the following 11 months i hadf hell with it. I bled heavily with it and was extreme pain, i went to see my GP several times about it and...

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