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What does 'many a mickle makes a muckle' mean?
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What is the difference between Priests, Vicars, Ministers, Curates etc and who is senior?
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Hello, I'd like some info. regarding IDIOT (me) PROOF websites where I can download music onto my computer - oh - and an mp3 to play it on. Thankyouverymuch.
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Well, questions have been asked about what books we are reading and about Incitatus, now I have a curiosity: How far and wide does the Answerbank "readership" spread? The internet should be global but...
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Are there any benefits to exercising outdoors as opposed to in a gym?
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I have a question about a person ... incitatus. I would like to know exactly how old are you and what you're all about cause you seem to know the answers to everything ... i'm inspired.
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EASTER history
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Tell me it's not true - is Enron the movie coming out soon?
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Now that we're sending troops into Afghanistan does thta mean we're committed to Iraq and we the only ones who are following America's lead?
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What is the piece of music in the film Armagedon where Grace and her fiance are together on their last night? (Lyrics along the lines of "I dont wanna fall asleap, cos I miss you babe")
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what is the first song that plays in the episode of home and away where shane parrish dies?
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What book are you reading at the moment, Answerbankers? Just looking for some ideas for some authors I may not have tried before.
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How can there be any justification for the Prolife Alliance broadcasting pictures of an aborted foetus? Abortion is rarely taken lightly by a woman who has one, and is a difficult and traumatic...
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What is the origin of 'Mockney'? I have a feeling people used it before Jamie Oliver. Does Delboy use a type of Mockney?
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What is heart disease such a problems in Scotland?
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Following the birth of my daughter I had access to her hospital records when returning to another hospital to recuperate. I read a form which was completed after she was born, it included some pretty...
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"You're a big man but you're in bad shape" is a line from which movie? Which actor/actress said it?
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"Scrubbers" is a line from which movie? Which actor/actress said it?
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"Scrubbers" is a line from which movie? Which actor/actress said it?
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where can i buy dairy free Easter eggs suitable for my milk-intolerant toddler?

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