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I have just read that we as a nation are being accused of being insensitive to muslims because we serve pork at school dinners? And they wonder why islamaphobia is on the increase. What are your views...
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How many people wear baseball caps?
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Top of my list would be Austin Powers. I am proud to say I have never seen this mince or any of its sequels. The trailers were bad enough. How about you? What stinkers have you avoided?
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Have just had two days off work and caught Trisha on TV. Am flabbergasted. Where do they get these people? Yesterday they had a, ahem, woman who didn't know whether her child was from her boyfriend or...
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i dont kno whither to crush the abortion pill in her food or push her down the stairs . What way would be more effective ?
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Please Ab Ed - who ever it is we don't care just boot them!
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my electric cooker is tripping off my mains electrics supply. Is there naything I should look for?
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Leslie Grantham has been caught having internet sex and faces the sack. Is this really grounds for depriving somebody of their livelihood? He hasn't done anything illegal. The Beeb may have a contract...

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