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So, you know when you call the firm who are going to fix your TV that's gone kaput and when the bloke shows up to collect the TV from your house you recognise him as a guy who you once had a little...
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AB Editor
Good morning. As some of you may be aware we have a new badge system implemented in The AnswerBank. See full feature list here: http://www.theanswerb...Question1166360-9.htm We closed the site for...
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Is there a way that I can't print text messages?
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I joined slimming world this week at last! Not sure about it though. Seems very expensive. You could eat all day long and fill up on fruit and veg.But fruit has alot of sugar in it so how do they...
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My cat flap/new glass is finally being installed today but the ground on the outside is lower down than the inside so I need to make some sort of platform on the outside. I was just going to get a...
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If they were available, would you wear one ? I know most of you are skinflints, so imagine AB has sent you a freebie....
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I came to this site through Micmac my unwell husband. I read today about badges. I don't have any, nor am I likely to get any. I am not a prolific poster. I do enter topics other than chat. Other...
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I understand the UK government is very interested in the leglislation just passed in Australia that will see all tobacco sold in plain brown packs with pictures of smoking related illnesses as the...
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I just noticed that my 'best answers' number went up since yesterday but when I click on the tab to see the questions it doesn't show the latest ones...
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He doesn't know where she's gone, whether she's in england, or going abroad with his son, who is almost 2. He knows she can do this legally, but how soon can he contact police to alert them to her...
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I saw an advert for a programme that shows real 999 calls. I thought it was on c4 this week but can't find it. Anyone got any idea?
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Did you achieve your ambitions? myself, I wish I would have studied harder,
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if yoko ono married bono,she'd be known as' yoko ono bono'
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heres to a man who is a true inspiration to the rest of us.If he can make it,we've all got a chance.
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If he didn't know before, he does now http://uk.eurosport.y...remony-072316990.html...
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The one in my bathroom definitely scuttled down the plug hole when I tried to rescue it. The next morning it was back (or its close relative). And I wish Apple would stop rewriting what I have written...
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We have today received a new batch of documents from our founder Jules de Singe - he can't be with you in person as he is currently claiming political asylum in the Bridlington Embassy of the People's...
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Dee Sa
Is it just me ? the schools round here go back tomorrow, there is a queue of at least 50, could be more [and definately more if you count the kids too] people outside the local uniform shop, why oh...
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In a bid to get fit I've started swimming (as mentioned a few times) and seem to be enjoying it but I'm a really weak swimmer so I've just signed up for a term of group adult swimming lessons. I told...
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Why does it say to use the whole bottle? How can you use the whole bottle if you only have short hair?

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