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hi im restoring old doors.... they have about 10 layers of paint and varnish i need to get them back to the beautiful wood.... does any one have tips or any wonder products they could recomend? thanx!
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hello is there any such thing as a plane ticket wich has no restrictions on times and dates within europe?... like an open multi destination return? any one know what i mean?
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dont no much about cars but i have a golf mk2 syncro it's in ok nik, i heard it might be worth a bit more because its rare? anyone no if theres any truth in this? whats the deal?
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how do you no when a relationships come to the end? after 5years i feel nothing for my partner. no hate but no passion. its horrible but im just not bothered any more. can any one enlighten me...
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I am always here, telling you my probs with my on and off boyfriend. Now he is ignoring my texts/phone calls....I have been out today with family/friends...........totally pi**ed and fed up. I rang...
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Can anyone suggest what I should wear for my daughter's wedding this November? It's in SA and will be hot. I've looked at all the typical MofheB stuff but, quite frankly, it's really frumpy for me but...
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im size 8 and need a 36" leg in trousers, where can i go im looking for some new jeans. im bored of to shop...
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whats beyonce new song called and when is it out

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