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What do you do when you think you are friends with someone but then they backstap you? You think they are joking around when they take pi$$ but then you realise that when you hear them badmouthing...
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Hi All, Can anyone remember the artist & song title that was out in 2006/2007 and it had no lyrics, the guy used to kind of mumble through it..... Thanks in Advance
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Ive been seeing this guy for a few weeks now who split up with his ex 2 years ago and had 2 kids with. Ive only been on a 3 dates with him but hes already said to me he thinks im not girlfriend...
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Hi, Whenever I drink alcohol, my cheeks turn bright red & warm after just one glass. I've noticed it's worse when I drink wine. Does anyone know why this happens? Thanks in advance
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Hi, I just woke from an afternoon sleep and decided to type my dream in to one of those dream interpretation sites coz it was a bit weird.... One part of it said it could be a message from your...
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is the water slide in the advert real
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Can you have an anaestetic if u have a cold??? im having an op on friday, had a cold last week, am recovered now but still sound a little sniffly, no cough or temperature though??
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Can anyone tell me please the song and the artist for the new Barclays advert where the guy is on a water slide. It's a bit country and western, but I LOVE IT!! xxx
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one the first round when they reach the ?1000 target and all have got the questions right how can the announce say that statistics show that ????? is the strongest person?
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Are you someone who can't be bothered to change from the one which was on when you got it or do you change it every week? Mine at the moment is Uninvited by the Freemason but want that Begging song....
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Can anyone help me with this Please...... I live abroad and cannot view some of the 'catch up' programmes on the BBC/Channel4 websites etc as it says they are only available to people who live in the...
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Does anyone know why a watch used to be called a kettle? The only clue I have is it's something to do with fire and a fob.... Any help is very much appreciated!
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I found out a couple of weeks ago that my husband had been texting and phoning my best friend, whos having marital issues. He denied that there was anything going on except talking and listening, so...
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I'd like to use a hot oil treatment on my hair, years of colouring taking its toll. Never used one before, can u help ? I have fine hair, lots of it. Thanx in advance.
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what do i do... I am 37 gay guy with a 33 boyfriend.. we have been together for nearly 3 yrs. I am so in love with him and he treats me like a princess.. i treat him the same, but i cant help but get...
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.....has got his tele turned up so loud that I can recognise what film he is watching!! Im so glad we are moving to a detached house next week lol Anyone else got an irritating neighbour???
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I?m 27 and I still have posters of Pulp Fiction and Al Pacino on my bedroom wall. Too old for posters I think not! What hangs on your bedroom walls?
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im 15 and im slightly embarrassed ! most of my friends have started their period and i havent ! and im not sure why ? is there something wrong ? please help xx
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I know this has been asked many times, but it's always nice to have a reminder (you'll be old yerselves one day, yer bugg*rs!)
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I am going to be letting out my house to friends privately (not through an agency). I do trust them but still think it would be wise to have some sort of contract between us. Is there a website that...

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