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Im a bloke and i find it really hard to find a shampoo that suits me. I have medium length wavy hair and if I wash it with average stuff it becomes too dry and if I leave it, it gets greasy. What...
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PC is just going crazy now. I just found that if you want to buy the script for 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves', all the bits referring to dwarfs have been erased and changed to gnomes. There was...
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Do they still put alot of rubbish in McDonalds food or is it safe to eat?
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Have you seen those kind of characters infilms who you just wonder why the hell they are there or what the relevance of their part was? Give examples.
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What car is on the VW advert with the little girl saying 'b*ll*cks' all the time.
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What happens if you put a lightbulb in a glass of water and then put it in the microwave?
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Does anyone know what happens if you put grapes in the microwave? Has anyone tried?
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Has anyone been on Its really good. A mixture of hilarious jokes and some good music. Anyone?
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Theres some kind of extinct animal from Australie. I think it was called a thylasine and it may be a tasmanian tiger(if there is such a thing). I am not sure but its drivin' me crazy.
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There was a film that was all about dragons and had something to do with Scotland. It was about kid who grew up with a dragon. It wasnt dragon heart. Can someone help?
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Can anyone tell me where to find an WMA or MPEG video clip showing the guy surfing on the Sky advert.
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What does the phrase 'Go Figure' mean? I've heard it used but have no idea
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Who was Jimmy Hoffa? Supposedly his body is missing or wasn't found. I wanna know?
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I've been trying for AGES looking for the music from The Mighty Boosh TV series on BBC three eg 'Ape of Death' and 'Hitcher'. Can anyone help?
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The desktop on my computer has been playing up and wont let me add a background(wallpapers) for more than a few minutes. I have tried changing the resolution size on the screen and changing the 'color...
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can someone give me a definition of all the different types of DVDs and CDs eg CD+R, DVD+RW etc
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what does kaflooey mean
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What is Postman Pats full name?

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