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Sweden grants blanket asylum to Syrian refugees: "“All Syrian asylum seekers who apply for asylum in Sweden will...
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I see this perennial nuisssance has got himself thrown out of another party.Surely the question must be asked about who invited him in the first place.
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Russell Grant came on "This Morning" on ITV earlier and started waffling on about how Saturn's presence was influencing this and that ... blah, blah, blah. What a load of cr@p. Why do people believe...
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This was last asked back in 2006 in AnswerBank, and there's been plenty of dreck released since then. With the imminent release of the new 'Diana' film which is garnering almost universal bad reviews...
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I asked a guy sitting outside a Tesco store last week if he needed anything, he said a drink, so I sceptically asked him what of, replied Coke, which I was surprised about (would of expected special...
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Are religious people more gullible than the non-religious? Or is it just American religious people?
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I went to a local corner shop recently but didn't have cash so Ipaid by card, the shopkeeper told me there would be an surcharge of £1 because I spent less than a tenner. I thought that the...
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No, hang on ... Top 3 Okay, mine are ... 1. Aristocats 2. Rescuers 3. Jungl ... err, no wait ... Alice In Wonderland Oh, no. Maybe Alice would be number 2...
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Eve Well, an interesting spin on the more modern system of...
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Can a job title be considered as a misrepresentation of a job? For example if you applied, were interviewed for and hired as a chef but were actually performing duties of a kitchen porter whilst being...
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Does a warning need to be issued to request contact to be ceased before being arrested for harassment by email? What is the likely outcome for this offence? Would the presence of a solicitor be a good...
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I understand where you dance as a hobby and learn ballroom or streetdance etc, or sing as part of a musical skill, but I don't get the attraction of dancing at parties and singing along to stuff in...
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My right arm looks like a map of the London Underground, loads of blue tracks. Left arm is so boring. No patterns....
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What causes some dreams to be unusually vivid, not necessarily more memorable just more real?
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In discussions on R&S both here and elsewhere one often hears questions like Why are you bothered? Why don't you just let people believe what they want? What harm does religion do? This is one example...
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anotheoldgit Do you agree it was premeditated murder or perhaps...
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How do medicines cause constipation, seems a weird side effect
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So, my partner has a boy (4) from previous relationship. Father been out the picture and barely contributed for 3 years now, I have been with the mother 2 years and living with her and the son, for 1...

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