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What eight-letter word, derived through French from Latin meaning 'out-of-doors, means fierce or sullen through being awkward and unsociable. Clues only please
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24: What is the 6 letter surname , still a well known name in menswear today, of Edward, who became a partner in a textile business in Manchester during the 1840s
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Tennessee, Arkansas & Mississippi form a major part of the south central region of American religious fundamentalists. By what nickname are they known?
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When a spacecraft re-enters the Earth's atmosphere the outer surface starts to burn away with friction. What is the 8 letter for this process
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Can somebody point me in th right direction or give a clue? The question is: What name is given to the slow ballroom dance, related to the waltz, that originated in the 1870's and was danced with the...
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What is the name used in Astrphysics to describe the temperaure inside a star, one of these units being equivalent to one billion degrees Kelvin?
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'Non moriar sed vivam / Et narrabo opera Domini' (Die I shall not, but live and proclaim the works of the Lord) this inscription on the tomb of which 18th-19th century composer. This is the only...
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Can anyone identy the couple in picture 142   Thank in advance for your help

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