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JK rowling is worth over $300 million pounds, does this mean if i write a book id leap frog her? I mean surely theres not a lot of money in writing books, is there?
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Hi. Anyone know for a fact any outrageous sounding mark-ups on retail goods (not trying to get philosophical - I'm a capitalist and all that) - just for some shock value. I read, for instance, that a...
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I do not know the name of the song or the band... a little help please... here are the lyrics and bits of the chorus: verse: 'I'm alone in my room.... just been waiting here a while' chorus: 'I I do...
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Can anyone suggest some good popular music that kids would like listening to with the lyrics that generate the feelings of success, aiming high in life and celebration? We already have come up with...
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Isn't it funny how our parents pick our name & we are stuck it, i think i'll choose my kids name carefully if I ever have some.What are peoples favourite names?????? silly question i know i'm just...
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Why is/was a sixpence called a tanner?
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joanne nash
in old the kit kat advert the bloke says 'you can't sing, you can't...' what? followed by 'you look'll go a long way'.
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What would YOU do if you could be given God's power for a week?
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how do i stop them crawling around my house
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My friend has discovered an ants' nest in her compost heap. What would be the best way to get rid of the nest, without ruining the compost? Any ideas anyone? Thanks.
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MacArthur Park...the Richard Harris song. Anyone know the meaning/origin?
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Too frightening. Or just too ridiculous? Why can we barely even mention this member's real name? What's the big issue? Why must he stay hidden? His name? - let's call him Dick, aka John Thomas, Percy...
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Can anybody enlighten me as to why, way back when, Grange Hill and Give Us a Clue had exactly the same music? Most people claim that they can't hear said music without conjuring a cartoon sausage on a...
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What is it good for?
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This hot weather; a bloke can just take his shirt off, easy simple, no offence [much], free and cooler, but the women have to keep covered; Blokes; we all know your view on it, but ladies, would you...
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I have an Archos Multimedia Player. I can play video on it, but first I must convert whatever AVI file I wish to watch, using a program called MPEG-4 Translator v1.8. However, when I try and convert...
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Both of these words suggest skill, cunning and deceit. Does this mean then, that all art and craft is a skilful deceit, a con, trick or device?
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just wondering how others' do it; Do you have many icons or few on your desktop? - i have many, about 60. Do you think an almost empty desktop looks pooey, or cool?
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Well, found the answer: maximise the window and then close it whilst holding Ctrl-Alt-Shift.
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I have a few of his albums and really like them. But I'm not much of an expert on reggae. What else could I try that is similar to Mr Cliff to expand my horizons?

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