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ANUSHIKA | 19:00 Sun 29th Jun 2003 | People & Places
18 Answers
Isn't it funny how our parents pick our name & we are stuck it, i think i'll choose my kids name carefully if I ever have some.What are peoples favourite names?????? silly question i know i'm just curious!!!


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Have you ever heard the song "A Boy Named Sue". It's a bit silly but I think it explains what you're trying to say. I've taken the liberty of finding the lyrics. Oh, and I'm not really sure about my favourite names, I think I'll leave that 'till I have to name my own kids.
Having named my own kid, I can say that my fave name is Bethan. Problem is, she gets called "Bethany" all the time - not that there's anything wrong with Bethany, it just isn't her name!
Any name that doesn't sound like a kind of Pok�mon. Short, easy-to-spell names are more practical, to be honest, than 'Jeremiah' or 'Ferdinand', and it will avoid a lifetime of 'How many 'P's in that?' and 'With a 'J' or a 'Y'?' Not that it matters a great deal, that is.

There is also a clump of (I am led to believe) 'new' names that I just wouldn't have the nerve to give to a child, such as 'Sierra' or 'Butterfly'. You might as well name your kids 'Fruitloop' and 'Beansprout'. I prefer the surreal names to be given to things like buildings or cat toys - you know, things that don't exactly mind - I can't think what my favourites would be, though.
One day I will actually read the question...and answer it.
People's favorite names often seem to be anything ending in an 'ee' sound; Britney, Julie, Cathy, Emily, Ashley, Stephanie, Hayley, Melanie, etc; even names that don't have an 'ee' sound become shortened to ones that do; William / Billy, Thomas / Tommy, Elizabeth / Betty, Susan / Susie.. I wonder why..
Having a particularly unique name myself (I haven't found anyone with my name, anywhere in the world!) I'd say that having a different name is definitely a good thing. It's a brilliant point of conversation especially since I know the historic significance of my name. It's not a problem spelling it out for people - I've done it all my life. And if someone pronounces it incorrectly, I just set them straight. I'd feel pretty ordinary and just one-of-the-crowd if I had a common name.
Question Author
Can I just ask why people dont actually answer the question I asked (except 2 maybe).I never asked People's favorite names are answerbox or what names people dont like its a a simple question & I want a simple answer EX AMPLE what is your favourite names ANSWER:- Charlotte.
*gulp* sowiee... I'd like "Aryan" for a boy
Question Author
Not you Beenee........:)
No, Anushika, you did not ask; "what is your favourite name?". You asked "What are peoples favourite names?", [read the question], and my answer, encapsulated this.. correct? So if not happy, why did you give everyone, including yourself, 3 stars?
Question Author
Because its polite to why give such a rude answer.I asked what peoples favourite names were meaning there on personal choice and you rambled on about "peoples names being names that normally ended in ee and then continued to ramble on about shortening names. Perhaps you could try being civil.
Calm down anushika, people are trying to answer your question the best they can. I'd agree with answerbok, if you're not happy with the answer then don't give it any stars. I'm sure people wont get upset if they don't receive any.
Question Author
Thanks for your input Skelly i have spoken to answerbok and its fine thank you!!!!!
ONE STAR! Is that it? Thats the last time I answer any of your questions. :-)
beenee, come along to answerbok (just type into google) and share the secret of your name?
aww that would ruin the fun ;o)
-- answer removed --
Mitchell and Jake for a boy, Stevi & Jade for a girl {which is what daughter is christened. Troube is everyone put a second e on th eend which ticks her off. I think It's nice to give the children a name they can "do" something with eg Michael can become, Mick, Micky, Mike etc whereas I'm stuck with Paul shorty of P or Pauly {both of which I dread] I can't do anything to it. My parents gave it to me [apart from it's biblical origins - they're both avid churchgoers] they wanted a name that no-one could customise [a bit unfair I reckon] Anushika what's with awarding stars to yourself?? Have you calmed down yet? ;+0))

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