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.. What have I missed? (In answer to pasta's question - I miss Whittards for their Pu-erh teabags, and I miss Woollies for their Wonder).
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... Off for a sailing weekend tomorrow. The first of the year (well, I don't count the Isli of Wiggetti at New Year cos that was just a drunken sea-crawl & a below-deck book-fest while Cap'n did all...
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... but hate to admit this. Mine is The Mavericks 'Let's Dance The Night Away'. Sorry - but I hear this & I just have to make a complete ass of myself on the dancefloor. The rhythm is gonna get you......
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.. to get an attack of uncontrollable giggles. I attended a Management Course yesterday (groan..moan..boring.. but the lunch was good; roast pork dinner, but no stuffing or apple sauce so only 7/10)....
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(although the term ' personality' is a bit of a misnomer) - is really getting on my nerves. It's just one bleedin wind-up. Does anyone actually think it's funny now that it's happening all the...
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and that, in my humble opinion, is the problem with the NHS today. (Can I emphasise - I said Injuns and not Indians...!) Do any others' agree?
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I have not posted this question to deliberately provoke racist comments or suchlike, but I have just tried to get a patient an NHS appnt, specifically with a female gynaecologist at her request. She...
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.... I hear words I never heard in the bible. I love this one. And Late in the Evening also. They both get me going..musically. Which of S&G's more up-tempo songs are you a fan of?
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(Becky to Steve after being caught with her pants down after their non-marriage). This made me titter, & made me wonder (cos I have a strange inquisitive mind) - how far into a relationship are you...
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She goes in & out & in & out. Who? When this song first came out (I was about 13) I thought it was really rude. Squeezebox = slang for ladies inner parts, so me was told. Was this a phallusy?! I don't...
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... the county of Lincolnshire?
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I ate a full can of Eazyonions last night with my chipolatas. Yes I know that's just plain laziness, but it's convenient & saves my eyes watering. Only 67p a can. But, by golly wow, have I got after...
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...I've just received an e-mail inviting me to attend a course on Suicide Skills Training. What???!!! Are they trying to tell me something? Am I so unwanted? Do we really need a course on this - isn't...
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I couldn't sleep last night. For some bizarre reason it suddenly entered my head that I didn't know what the real name is in EastEnders of the character Minty. It matters not a jot, but I have to ask...
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... the 'what turns you on?' thread. I've just thought of another one... Gone! I hope it wasn't anything I said - I deliberately kept my answers clean(ish).
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I've just received a CV from a 19 year old lass for an admin role at our place. She describes herself as "bubbly friendly personality - I always come with a smile". Bless her. She will go far with...
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... I have an allergy to wasp stings - which could kill me. I had a bad frightening experience with an earwig crawling in my mouth (don't ask...) as a child, and yet it is spiders that I am frightened...
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... doesn't mean you will, but I did. I actually met a very nice lady who introduced herself as (truly) Diana Rear (or Rhea, Rea.. not really sure). It didn't click with me at first why she insisted...
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"If she falls off that roof & cracks her head - that doesn't count as marriage" (Blanche). Dale-ism: "The only thing that interests you is LSD" "I don't touch drugs. Not since that time my head...
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My beloved dad has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Now I do have more than a smattering of medical knowledge, so i know not to panic (he is 80 next week, so it's not an unexpected or unusual...

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