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Friday Again

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TWR | 18:57 Fri 04th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Do you find the weeks go flying by quickly, of does it go quickly for us old farts?


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Nice to see you posting here, TWR. Sorry I forgot to wish you Merry Christmas last week. Oh, hang on a moment, was it really that long ago?
It goes more quickly as we get older, when we have more to compare it with. I still remember the 6 weeks' school holiday in my teens feeling like a lifetime!
Only 6 weeks, Boxtops? We had 7!
erm, end July until early Sept - you could well be right, chris!
6 weeks is actually the norm in England & Wales, Boxtops, but we only got two days off (Friday and Monday) for each half term, so that freed up some spare days for longer holidays elsewhere.
Sounds about the same as we got overall, in the heady days of the Sixties... :-)
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Beu, did you return the 10 shilling I leant you last Thursday?
Bloody 'ell, TWR, your memory really is failing you. It was a quid that I borrowed and, as promised, I paid a guinea into your bar account at the Dog & Duck on Monday. I know that beer has just gone up to over a shilling a pint - disgusting! - but it should still buy you a few bevvies ;-)
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I thought it was 20 shillings that I leant you on Sunday?
Now your memory is getting REALLY bad!

A quid IS 20 shillings!
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Showing our age her, don't say too much as Gness thinks I'm 30, she's after a toy boy & I said I'm still active????
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Lol TWR I won't tell gness, but she's not daft.
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Thanks Arthur, I lv her that much !!!!!!!!!!
I thought today was Saturday till I checked my missive on answerbank....Saturday 2moro, woooopeeee ;)
I was thinking exactly the same thing - blimey Friday again

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Friday Again

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