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Dreams -meaning?

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spagnold | 14:50 Tue 16th Apr 2002 | Body & Soul
20 Answers
What does it mean to dream that your healthy teeth are falling out?


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Spagnold - you are doing a lot of thinking today! Teeth falling out dreams generally mean you are worried about something. Because they are a fundemental aspect of our appearance, they could relate to a physical worry, or about being embarrassed in front of people. Incidentally in Greek interpretations it means a friend or relative is ill, and in Chinese interpretations it means you have recently told a lie. Andy
i agree with andromeda - i have these dream all the time!!
I used to have this dream as a teenagers and when I looked it up at the time, I discovered that it was to do with sexuality because your teeth represent your sex life. Yes, it worried me at the the time, too.
i read it means you are concerned about your looks too!
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Hmm, seems that i am worried, looks obsessed and unclear as to my sexuality-well, at least that's cleared up then.
It's a sign that someone is being unfaithful - or thinking about it.
I've read that it means betrayal by someone near you to you.
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and betrayal too? excellent, thank you!
Actually, not just betrayal, but any kind of lie or misrepresentation. To be honest though, you should be looking at meanings that come from yourself. Dreaming is a way of mentally processing the data that has been collected that day. You should look at why YOU are dreaming about your teeth falling out, not why other people are making you dream about them. Take care, and don't worry so much - it is quite a usual dream of mine, and nothing really dreadful has happened to me yet!
I guess that you just reached an age milestone? just turned 40? Perhaps feeling old hanging around younger people or did you spend the previous day reminising(sp) about your youth? Losing teeth is a throw back to your youth when you were a child and you lost your baby teeth. That was a milestone... It is now being replayed in your subconcious dream state...It know only that your concious mind is concearned about aging and the subconcious dream sifter tries to acribe meaning using its symbolism that it can identify. Please, let me know if I'm on the money I take pride in my acuracy :)
I have this dream now and again,and my partner tells me I'm grinding my teeth in my sleep when it happens
...quite recently one of my teeth actually fell out. perhaps someone was thinking about me lots, being unfaithful with multiple people, or i was especially worried that day.
Remember hearing that it means you have a fear of being sexually inadequate - it seems you are afraid of not being able to perform in the bedroom
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This is a very common type of anxiety dream. Your subconscience sees your teeth as something fixed and secure in your life because they are so firmly fixed in your mouth. If you imagine they are moving around or falling out, it means you're worried about something fundamental changing. Are you moving house or job, or changing a relationship?
Try going to they will explain what any dream means.
I guess all interpretations are in order here... because all of the ones I've read state that when you dream of your teeth falling out, it means that you are in store for financial troubles. This interpretation comes from the idea that typically people who don't have the financial backing to take proper care of their teeth wind up losing them. I've had a dream like that before, and it's always been in situations where an emergency came up and I didn't have the money to take care of it, therefore got myself FURTHER into debt. The best part, is that when you have a dream that involves GOING to the dentist, and having a "thumbs up" check-up, it means that whatever financial problem that's been stressing you out is soon to be absolved....
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you've all been great-I was changing jobs at the time so it was probably that-but no, nothing to do with my age, as am 23! And there are no problems in the bedroom neither!
I heard that people who are ambitious often have this dream. Many Hollywood movie stars have confessed to having this dream. Your teeth are a big part of your "livelihood" when your career depends on your appearance. (Our appearance influences our chance of becoming successful in many careers, not just in acting.) If you don't have nice teeth (or any teeth, as in the dream!), then you certainly will not (cannot) have a successful career as an actor. People who dream about losing their teeth are worried about not being or staying successful.
Hey I'm from San diego I go to U.C.S.D and i asked my professor on what this dream mean's.The chap told me (An ordinary dream of teeth augurs an unpleasant contact with sickness,or disquieting people.If you dream that your teeth are loose,there will be falures and gloomy tidings.If the doctor pulls your tooth,you will have desparate illness,if not fatal;it will be lingerering.To have them filled,you will recover lost valubles after much uneasiness.To clean or wash your teeth,foretells that some great struggle will demanded of you in order to preserve your fortune.If your teeth , you will have burdens which will crush your pride and demolish your affairs.To dream having your teeth knocked out ,denotes sudden misfortune.To dream of spiting out your teeth,portends personel sickness,or sickness in your immediate family.

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