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ANUSHIKA | 01:43 Thu 22nd May 2003 | People & Places
11 Answers
Who is mike wall because he seems to know everything , do you work for answerbank?? if so what a wicked job!! or r u just really clever??


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The answerbank seems to go through phases were users find the site and seem to be everywhere and are answering every question until the initial enthusiasm wears off..if you had found the site roughly a year ago the names Pinotage, Andy Hughes, Ravenhair and other would have been a lot more familiar...I think I am right in saying mikewall01 has been visiting the site for a few months now but isn't a worker for the answerbank...there is one editor: addition to this j2button is the tech wizard for the answerbank though not a direct employee. And being the ed isn't a wicked job just ask after all the flack the editor has received recently.
Just to confirm: mikewall01, like sft42 and many others, is a regular contributor to this site but not an employee and not known to me or anyone here. We (that is, the company I work for but also all users of the site) depend on people like them to make this site what it is. As he doesn't work for us, I guess that means he must be "really clever" ;-)

As for whether or not this is a "wicked job"... well, it certainly has it's moments.
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Thankyou for your response's so now i know! :)
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Indeed we can, Sft. Mikewall has a lot of specialist subjects and gives excellent replies. Most regular contributors can be relied on for a thoughtful opinion about most things and factual advice on certain topics - look out for j2buttons and lisaj in the internet and technology section. Almost anything you don't know they can help with and you WILL understand the answer or they will explain further. Now we've answered you Anushika, you have to join in and get answering too :-)
ignore the first sentence of my previous answer, it refers to a post that was quickly deleted!
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and well done woodpam!!!
how come i never get a mention? which sections am i good at? (probably none, i hear you all cry)
Sorry to intrude on your Q Anushika

Darth: The presence of your mystic benevolent wisdom hovering over the whole site has been detected by all. Everyone would probably feel that praising an omnipotent Being such as yourself would be beneath you, thus refrained from doing so for fear of your Wrath.

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