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Polycystic Ovaries

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ANUSHIKA | 01:18 Wed 23rd Apr 2003 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Does anyone else have polycystic ovaries and suffer with it? if so any advice that could help?


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Anushika. Yes I have PCOS. Have you actually been diagnosed with the Syndrome or do you just have the Polycystic Ovaries? I was diagnosed with the Syndrome after suffering for years with various different symptons including weight gain. I did some research and found that PCOS means youhave a type insulinaemia, meaning my body is resistant to insulin, causing weight gain. I found out that American and some British consultants are experiment with a diabetic hypoglyceamic called Metformin which helps people with the syndrome. I had to fight, AND I MEAN FIGHT to get this medication supplied. But I got it and it changed my life!!...literally. I lost weight, Hair growth stopped, cycles normal, Loads more energy! you name it. Please feel free to contact me if you would like, I'd be happy to share any info I have :-)
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-- answer removed -- i have it very mildly. found homeopathy helped me the most. tracy

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