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BBC Cuts

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Dodger666 | 11:03 Tue 02nd Mar 2010 | TV
2 Answers
If the BBC are serious about cuts I suggest they take a look at BBC Regional TV. Here in the West Midlands the local station, Midlands Today, broadcasts local news for about 6 hours a week. In their website they admit to a total of 27 presenters, reporters & correspondents. Regular viewers know there are more not mentioned in the website who appear regulary. In addition two people present the 6.30pm news when it could easily be done by one. Add to that the camera operators, sound engineers, backroom staff & accommodation the runnng costs must be enormous.

AB posters could total up the numbers of staff nationwide by looking at your regions BBC website.


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if the bbc make cuts it gives them a better chance of getting a bigger increase on the tv licence fee. they want to put a tax on computers, they want to call the new licence . the media licence which will include tv and computers and radio.
it is easy to waste money when you don't have to work hard to get it.
Money is no object to the BBC,Otherwise why would Hansen,Lawrenson,Shearer and no doubt hundreds of others be given a free Taxi ride from their homes and back,have they not heard of the Railway.Shearer's Taxi fare alone is over £300.

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