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yorkyboy | 21:49 Sun 23rd Aug 2009 | Adverts
7 Answers
been bothering me for a while,i love the adverts but why does the meerkat have a russian accent when they belong in south africa, has the sleeping bear just been slumbering and been recruiting on the sly, red bull being one example,{any more ideas anyone?} what's next, the pg tips chimps having to learn a second language and all the zoo time programmes having to be re-dubbed, those poor animals are probably retired by now and couldn't remember the lines anyway,but johnny morris is probably busy anyway ,so in the words of boney m ' ooogh those russians' and goodnight


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The enite thrust of the campaign is the similar pronunciation of the words 'meerkat' and 'market' spoken in English with an unspecified Balkan / Russian accent.

You either think it is really witty and clever, or you think it's a not particularly funny idea being flogged to death, but that this the thinking behind the use of the voice-over.
So there's a meerkat than can actually talk and the strangest thing you find about that is it's accent??
Although it doesn't answer the question of the accent, this may enlighten you... cfm?newsid=12010
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are you telling me that this one slipped through the advertising standards net and that the meerkat cannot actually talk?
The meerkats on the BBC program talk, so I don't see why these two can't talk too.

Of course meerkats can talk.

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