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Gromit | 11:37 Tue 25th Sep 2007 | News
14 Answers
"The 38-year-old HGV driver today told how he was driving on the M67 near Hyde when he saw a car on the opposite carriageway crash into the central barrier.

Mr Deacon parked up on the hard shoulder and led the shocked driver to the safety of the central reservation. Another car then ploughed into the back of the wreckage and caught fire.

Mr Deacon ran to the second car and wrenched the door open, freeing the second driver, a young woman.

Then, wearing a fluorescent jacket, he directed traffic away from the accident and cleared a path for emergency services, who he had already called."

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thats discusting how he was treated. to be arrested over that, it seems the police cause the caffufle not him, he was just trying to get back to work, i can see why they wanted to prevent any more accidents but it seems way over the top to push him to the ground by three of them and arrest him!!!!
"It would appear that he failed the attitude test so has only himself to blame.If you choose to ignore perfectly sound instructions from a police officer it can so easily escalate into something like this.Its just a pity they dont do this more often to some of the gobby yobs walking our streets. "

Didn't realise there was an attitude test to be taken if you're a hero....or at least an upstanding member of the community.
This just re-inforces the attitude some members of society have got which is that to try to offer help lands you in more trouble. No wonder people choose to turn the other cheek nowadays.
It could have been handled a lot better but ultimately I think it was for his own safety they didn't want him to do it.

Plus he'd just witnessed two accidents and it does rather begger the question whether he would have been ok to drive if he was in a state of shock?

I agree with that voice of reason person who commented. I suspect they're a southerner moved up north ;0P
Are we missing a bit here?

Doesn't sound normal for the police to handcuff someone guilty of a motorway offence.

Something like a shouting match developing between the man and the police over something, the exchange of a few choice words perhaps?

Reading between the lines of what the police said it sounds as if they told him not to cross the motorway and he told them to get stuffed.
full credit to the lorry driver but when he looks back on the incident im sure he will realise that the police were right in stopping him trying to get back across the motorway.......and probably saving HIS life...
This sounds about right for GMP. Heavy handle a man for wrongly jaywalking on a motorway, even though he's a star, yet completely ignore the calls of worried bystanders reporting a youth with a rifle at a train station in the same area of Manchester. It took them over 20 minutes to eanie meanie minie mo which one of them would have to go, and by the time they got there the lil gangsta had got on his train, with said gun!

Yay! Hooray for GMP! You're the real heroes! (apart from when you're being scared of kids...)
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It was a gun so you can understand them waiting until he had gone.
That's true Gromit, they were probably waiting for a member of the public to be a hero and do their job for them. Then arrest them as well as the criminal... ;o)
Would never happen in Peckham. ;0)
I cant believe his company docked his wages for not turning either. Tight b@5t@rd5!
While his treatment does seem heavy handed we have to assume he got very angry when he was stopped getting back to his car which lead to his arrest.

Now lets suppose he DID walk back across the road, misjudged the speed of an approaching car, which swerved to avoid him, hit the central reservation, bouncing back to hit a coach full of holidaymakers.

The coach swerved off the edge of the motorway, down an embankment, killing 15 people on the coach.

Maybe not liklely, but with cars, coaches and lorries hurtling down a motorway at 60 or 70 mph (or more) a mulitple pile up can happen in seconds.

Would he be a hero then ?
He would still be a hero but a dead one. Saving some ones life at risk to your own takes a lot. I think the whole thing could have been handled better. And as some one said its a shame the police can't deal with the yobs that stagger about the roads after falling out of the pubs and clubs.
Some people only get paid by the hour that they work. If they are not in work, then they are not paid. I expect Mr Deacon was just desperate to get to work, so he could get paid and after having crossed the motorway safely a couple of times already just wanted to get on with his day. GMP are a load of to88ers.
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