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Why is he like this?

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Babygurl109 | 22:38 Mon 04th Oct 2004 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
Hey everyone look I am 13 and there is this really cute boy that is 16 named Gabriel he goes to my church my friends have asked him if he likes me or wants 2 go wit me and he says that no he does,nt wanna mess wit me because he thinks I would not take our relationship seriousley he said he wants a girlfriend that will go up to him and like hold his hand and won't be shy to do that!And he thinks I won't take our relationship seriousley and will be shy to wanna hold his hand and seriousley I think I am shy to do that 2!But I will take da rerlationship seriousley!But wat can I do to not be shy to d that or anything?And wat can I do 2 make him think that I will take da relationship seriousley and 2 show him I that if we go out I won't be shy to go up to him to hold his hand!But if all of yaw give me tips on all this or wat to do I am positive I can do this!HELP PLEASE PLEASE!!!


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It all comes down to confidence. You might be shy about holding his hand but if you can't go up to him in the first place and speak to him yourself, you may never get to hold hands. In any new relationship both people feel nervous and unsure, but if you pretend to be confident it's amazing how true confidence follows. Good luck.
lol i hope you two aren't going out for just misc. reasons...c'mon, actually have a real "thing" between at least. Ehh.. and it's church, dont do anything all "dirty" on church grounds..just not right. *coughs* ( I should speak for myself..haha..) Hmm, it'd help if I knew more about the problem. I mean, relationships don't exactly revolve around all this "mushy-gushy" stuff. Being "shy to hold hands" is a pretty cruddy reason...he probably has other things. And besides, who wants to enter a relationship that would crash and burn? Don't rush. Analyze. And most importantly, don't allow lust cloud your judgment..or his. Yeah, these adolescent years can really screw you around. Just be careful; you'll do fine [i hope].
Just take no for an answer, he's just putting it in a nice way. You'll soon get over it.
you will burn in hell for those thoughts if you are not careful. i doubt he will be interested as 13 is too young for a 16 year old boy for various legal reasons.
Well, I reckon that next time you are both in Church you should go up to him in after-service tea time, smile sweetly and say "Hi! Can I hold your hand?" and take it from there. This won't sound as crazy as it could do otherwise, because he was talking about it with your friend. Life's short, take it from someone who's wasted too much time. Go for it and good luck!
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Thankx 2 everyone who answered my question!But anyways yea I think he's a lil 2 old 4 me!I should forget him, huh?Well how can I forget him when I see him every Wednesday ,Saturday and Sunday at church?THANX again!
Listen, dont worry about the boy... he will probably want you as soon as he thinks you have lost interest!! Everyone wants what they think they cant have... The main thing you should concentrate on is being shy. I was very shy for years and years and never got the boy I wanted.. it happened loads of times. So one day I decided that no matter how nervous or shy I was I was going to pretend not to be. It worked! They didnt know that I was dying or shaking inside and eventually I stopped being so shy. Shyness gets you no where... my other motto is 'it only takes 2 seconds to ask someone out and the worst thay can say is no'. Besides who doesnt love it when someone likes them? Its a big compliment... so if a guy says 'no' then just smile/laugh and say 'oh well theres a compliment for ya anyways!' See easy.... take care and dont date anyone that is much older than 16... be safe <3

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