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bigmama40251 | 16:57 Wed 28th Jul 2004 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
I have an ex boyfriend who I am still currently sleeping with he claims he has feelings for me but I have caught him in bed with his best friends girlfriend now she is around all the time and has been nothing but a nusiance to everyone. what can be done to get rid of her?


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Get rid her of her? What are you on about girl? You need to get rid of him! I don't know why you'd be sleeping with your ex boyfriend anyway. But that proves what sort of person he is to go sleeping with his best mates girlfriend don't you think? If I were you I'd **** him off and get checked for STD's
Spot on Casey! Get rid of him! I've been there, sleeping with an ex only to find out he'e been with someone else the whole time too. he's an utter ******* and you'd be well shot of him, that girl should be welcome to him, she's a cheat and he's a cheat. yuk. lose him bigmama, you're worth more.
are you serious?? YOU need your head examined girl. Listen to Casey and Becks, for they speak the truth. Get some self respect and get out of his life.
It's good to know that Becks and Jills know what they are talking about!!
I echo the previous sentiments. You owe it to yourself not to let him treat you so shoddily. Sometimes it's hard to let go but no good can come of this situation. You'll only end up feeling bad about yourself. Get well shot of him and get yourself a REAL man. Someone who'll love you and you alone. This guy's wanting to have his cake and eat it - stringing you both along and I mean , what kind of a guy sleeps with his best friend's girlfriend ? A low life with no morals and someone you'd be best to avoid like the plague !
I know what could be done - go on Trisha.
I agree with indiesinger but instead goto America and go on the Jerry Springer show, where you can hit the pair of em and get some satisfaction.
Not even bothered reading the above answers but dump him anyway and get a life.
Hey are you Bigmama Smith who was on Trisha in April 1998 under the programme Big Papa's got a brand new bag !!!! chortle chortle
he is a man that is what men do !
Donkey...don't know if you're male or female, but that is NOT what men do. Some low life dogs masquerading as men perhaps, but not all men. Just like some women let themselves be treated shabbily yet bleat about it at the same time. Some have self respect, morals and a sense of decency.
Bigmama - yep agree with them all above ['cept Donkey] dump the s.o.b. and get a decent bloke. If you're really ticked off with him tell his best mate what his missus is up to as well. A stand well back or emigrate afterwards.
As above! Once a cheater always a cheater: if you manage to get rid of her then another woman will be along soon enough. Ditch him, get some self esteem and realise you don't need to share. Sorry for sounding like Ricki Lake.
And... what are you doing sleeping with an EX-boyfriend anyway???? You can't expect him to respect you, if you don't respect yourself.
u needa guys point of view, keep ******* him and if she doesnt go away simlpy shoot her in the face with a pistol
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