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People Really Enjoy Been An Alcoholic

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nailedit | 17:33 Sun 26th May 2024 | ChatterBank
28 Answers

Fell of the wagon a few weeks ago.

Since then Ive been mugged and had my phone stolen, been arrested with a court date, woken up in hospital multiple times, ruined no end of clothing by falling down and tearing them, body bruised and scarred by the same, lost my rucksack with personal information documents and other stuff  in it, now have to lay in a bed soaked in sweat until I can get a drink to calm down the effects of alcohol withdrawell, same with dry wretching, itching, shakes etc.

Yeah. Really enjoying this!



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Who could ever imagine that having a job, earning your own living and having some self respect could compare to this?

And then coming home to a family and spending time with friends and enjoying socialising and having hobbies etc.

And keeping clean, etc

Yeah. Addicts really enjoy been the pits of society.

I feel for you, nailedit, but there is nothing I nor anyone else can say that will help you. 

I truly hope you find the strength, willpower and the need to get back on the wagon before your body gives up or you end up in prison.  I know you are capable of staying sober so I still have hope for you. 

Maybe,its just me,Nailedit,but isnt it now time you took control of your own life.You dont seem to want to take any advice from the rest of us ABers.Is it now a case of"physician,heal thyself"?

Can you speak to your GP as soon as possible & try to get referred back to rehab?  You've done it once, you can do it again.  My best wishes to you, nailedit.

Are you looking for pity?

Self inflicted wound as far as I'm concerned. I watched a cousin drink himself to death a few years back. Not a pleasant death, tubes everywhere and died in agony.

Man up and take control of your life. 

Maybe a spell in prison would be good and get you off the booze.

Addiction is a dreadful thing to be in the grip of - the addiction controls the addict.  Nobody chooses to be an alcoholic, most people can drink more than they should for many years without ever becoming addicted.

Some experts believe it is down to two genes, you either have this genetic risk factor or you don't.  Maybe people would be more sympathetic if this genetic factor also manifested itself in a physical way that they could see.

Telling an alcoholic to 'man up' is not helpful.

17.59 this was my thoughts too.  don't know what the point of this post is other than garnering sympathy. 

Very good advice from. LiK  - please try to go back to your GP dear Nailedit.  You were doing so well.  You can try again but you need  help and hopefully your doc will understand.  X

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Just trying to get the point across that peoeple really like dont been addicts.

(made no mention of sympathy, that came from you. Personally got nothing but regret for the the things that ive done)


We can only put words on here, nailedit. The action has to come from you.

Do you ever think how your behaviour affects family and others, Nailedit?
They can suffer just as much, though in a different way, trying to help and getting nowhere.  

Have you been diagnosed with liver disease/failure?

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//Do you ever think how your behaviour affects family and others, Nailedit?//


Every second of every hour of every day!


I think most people realise no one likes being an addict whatever that addiction is. Alcohol , drugs and even food are abused because of mental issues and unless this is addressed no amount of trying to abstain will work. Trouble is  the NHS is not geared up to deal with this. Too busy pandering to the gender benders

If you are going through the withdrawal anyway.... Go through it.... You have done it before... You know it's hell but it's hell with a doorway out,  Do it because you know life can better ,  use what you know to be true, that life is precious and you are valued and unlike so many have those who love you.

Brilliant words from Rowan there. Nailedit, you've done it before; you can do it again. Best wishes to you

I have no idea if this helps, but I happened to stumble on it a moment ago.




When you decide to make another attempt at sobriety think what it was that triggered this latest bout of drinking and try with all your willpower to avoid it.

It's easy for me to say that and do it because I'm old now. That,  and my reduced mobility, mean I'm not faced with as much stress as younger people.

You need to contact your GP and look to get back to rehab.  Try AA.  It works for a lot of people.


this may probably be not a good answer but I had my neighbour in last week who comes from quite a big family (I don't know her that well) anyway she was telling me some sad facts that out of 8 children (her siblings) 4 are alcoholics and in bad ways.  I said to her you know that could be genetic and she said it was because her mother was one.  So you perhaps need better and more support.

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Thanks for replies.

Just feeling a bit desperate at the mo and yes,

possibly a bit self pitying.

Cant believe that after 5 month I caved in, too much carp going on in my head to deal with. Now find myself back to square one!

Thanks for replies anyway....all of them!

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