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Barmaid | 16:26 Fri 24th May 2024 | ChatterBank
24 Answers

Thank goodness it is Friday!  I have had a shocking week.

Once I have packed up from work (prob around 8pm), I shall do some cooking for a party I am helping with tomorrow.  I am planning a long sleep on Sunday and then despite it being a BH, get some work done on Monday.

I shall also be on fledgling watch since some Great Tits have built a nest in a bit of redundant ducting above our kitchen.  The babies will be ready to go anytime soon so I have to be on my toes to ensure that they get away safely and that the cats show no interest.

Is anyone doing anything more interesting than me this weekend?  I accept that it will not be difficult since I have reached the pinnacle of dullness.



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Same old routine for me.  I'm on a treadmill and I don't seem to be able to get off.  

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Perhaps we ought to start a "Routinely Dull" club, Barry?  I'll bring wine and snacks.

I can think of nothing more exciting.  I'll bring the tissues.  

Excuse me BM, you can't have a long sleep in on Sunday AND watch the fledglings leave their nest. They'll be out at dawn and that is the best time for the cats to get them so you need to be up at dawn as well.  OK?  😿

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lol, Ladybirder.  Cats will not be out at dawn.  I regulate their outside time to protect them AND the wildlife.  Dawn and dusk are pinch points so cats are in at that time - car rush hour times is also an issue.  Cats are also in if I see fledglings.  I absolutely adore my cats and treat them like princesses, but I try and balance their safety and enjoyment and the safety of wildlife.  They are actually normally very good girls and come in when asked.

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Yes Wolf, I was being polite.

I have an absolutely thrilling job waiting for me in the garden. We have a robot mower, but it cannot/will not trim right up to the edges. That means that I have to use a lawn edge trimmer to neaten the edges. That's what's waiting for me tomorrow. Aren't I a lucky old-age pensioner?

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Bookbinder, that joy awaits me in June when Mr BM has further surgery.  His lawns are his pride and joy.  Three times I have now asked him to teach  me how to use his mowers (although not robotic ones) and he has declined.  I think he thinks that he'll be on his little tractor after 48 hours........

He had surgery a few years ago and I asked a friend of ours to mow the lawns whilst he was recovering.  As this friend gayly butchered his grass I could see the colour draining from his face and the pain was graphic - although  the pain was not as a result of the surgery.  

We had a trip to Costco this afternoon, bought a load of stuff (large bags of veggie crisp type things, six bottles of their margarita, a pallet of loo rolls and a cooked chicken) but nothing you could really make a meal out of, although plenty you could get a bit..err..squiffy on.

We have family coming tomorrow..youngest son, pregnant daughter in law, a four year old and a two year old, grandsons. New baby is a girl, yippee!! We have no plans except to feed and look after them, and thoroughly enjoy having them here.

So sorry to hear Mr Barmaid is to have more surgery, is this to correct/help with his previous knee problem? Going to be a looooong summer for you, Barmaid 🙄

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That sounds lovely, Vagus.  All the best for the new little arrival.

Yes, it is to sort out PegLeg.  It has been a long year.  It is going to be a long summer.  I am knackered and I see I am going to be more knackered.  He wonders why I say I am "expletive on the verge of losing my expletive expletive".  There is not enough wine.

It's like one of those round robin letters or FB posts on "how great my life is (isn't yours carp)"!

I really should do some laundry; I really should do some tidying & cleaning.  I probably won't.  There's always tomorrow & the day after that...


What went wrong with his knee op? I know knees can be very complicated and can have issues going forward. 
Try another analgesic rather than wine, how about tequila? Or maybe a MaiTai, saw a recipe for it yesterday and thought it sounds good. Or  Dark and Stormy, Ecclescake put me on to that 😊

In all seriousness Barmaid, it can't be easy for him or you, especially with the career you have and the focus you need x

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LiK, I have given up saying I "should" do this.  I either do it or I don't and I am working on not caring either way.

Vagus, I have tequila sunrise lined up for later!  Or a mohito since we have loads of fresh mint in the garden.

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Not sure what went wrong, Vagus.  But he cannot move it well and is in constant pain.  Surgeon seems hopeful he can fix it though.  His was difficult due to the fact that a) his knee was v badly damaged and had already had surgery 2x on it (arthroscophy).  Surgeon thinks scar tissue may be the issue.  We shall see........

Oh I wish you lived next door to me BM.  When I asked my new male next door neighbour if he would mind putting a collar with a bell on his cat to stop it killing the birds I feed in my garden he replied, "It's what cats do".  He said a collar could get caught on something and kill his cat even though I told him he could get collars now that snap open when caught.  Even offered to buy him one. His wretched cat comes into my garden to poo and to kill several times a day.

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Ladybirder, I will not use collars after ASBO had a safety collar on and it did not snap when it should and he nearly hanged himself - thankfully I happened to come upon the scene, heard a commotion and his distress and was able to free him. 

There are lots of dogs round here and they need to be able to get away quickly and if a collar snags, they may not get away quick enough.  HOWEVER, we both love our garden birds and try to protect them as much as we can.  We do try and balance it.  If they catch mice or rats, it is a good thing.  Once this year they had a baby bird and it was taken off them by distraction and firmly told "no".  (After a few hours peace and quiet little bird flew away and as far as Mr BM could see there was no broken skin).  Thankfully, there are so many mice and rats round here, they are easier prey.  And we've got a very big garden and I know where the toilet is for each of them (ie, here and not in anyone else's plot).  I cannot absolutely guarantee that they do not poo elsewhere or catch birds, but we do our best at balance.

Our dog caught a fledgling, he thought it was a plaything and whilst he didn't mean to kill it by biting or eating it, or saw it as prey, it nevertheless died.

Its nature.

I've a week off work and cannot wait. Hot tubbing and Bbqing at friends is the order of the day for tomorrow. Woohoo.

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