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Road Accident

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lindylou16 | 12:34 Wed 02nd Aug 2023 | Motoring
6 Answers
Recently in a bump and withfully comprehensive the other vehicle is being repaired but mine due to age etc is a total loss.I will be offered payment or buy back options in 5 days. my car is drivable so is it coverd by insurance until i officially hear.


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Best to ask your insurance company. Is it still legally roadworthy?

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Thanx but i have been hanging 0n hold for most of the morng then no reply,so i thought AB will know
Nobody can no for sure, lindy. Different companies will have different policies and 'write offs' have six categories and the policies will be based on the category, the reason for the write off.
So this is not a simple yes or no question and the wrong answer could land you in a lot of trouble.
Have they told you which category your level of damage falls under?
Unless there is something in writing in the insurance policy that states in such a situation the insurance cover will end – then the vehicle will still be covered by the insurance, and should continue to be so if you buy it back, until the policy end date.

Bear in mind barry1010’s comment re the vehicle still being in a roadworthy condition, if you plan to drive it on the public road.
Provided that all the lights work and are correctly aimed and provided the steering and suspension is not affected and provided that there are no protruding sharp bits of bodywork than it is perfectly legal to drive.
Furthermore, it does not take much to write of an older car so consider buying it back and repairing with scrappy parts. You might find yourself better off financially.

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