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Not Receiving Emails On Iphone And Ipad.

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hellywelly4 | 12:58 Wed 23rd Feb 2022 | Technology
11 Answers
I'm receiving emails on my desktop, but not on my iphone and ipad. I've tried to follow the suggestions on google but as I'm not too techy I've had to admit defeat. It's only been happening for the past 4/5 days.
Help greatly appreciated.


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Have you changed your email password recently?
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Barry - no.
I presume you are connected to WiFi?
Can you send emails from your phone and tablet ?
Check your Apple account settings perhaps. Log in and use the correct Apple password then look at account settings and authorisations. I the desktop running windows? If so check sync settings in account details.
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Just send an email to my daughter but she hasn't replied so I will ring her now.
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Daughter didn't receive email from me and she has emailed me back but it's not arrived.
Silly question but have you checked in spam. I had delivery failure come into my spam box
Are you able to update your Apps ?
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I keep trying to check my apple ID but don't know where it is. I will leave it for now as I'm starting to get a headache!!! Thank you for trying anyway.
If Apps update that means your Apple ID is OK, and the problem is with your email settings.

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Not Receiving Emails On Iphone And Ipad.

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