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Not Receiving Emails

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Giggsie | 18:13 Thu 11th Aug 2022 | Technology
6 Answers
I am not receiving my hotmail emails or able to send. It keeps saying cannot connect to server. I have been through lots of Microsoft help but got nowhere. I can see them if I go to but I use the mail app on iPad and iPhone. Anyone able to help me?I have used for a few years just suddenly stopped I use 2 emails on this app the other is ok


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On each of your Apple devices, delete your Hotmail account and then create it again. (You won't lose an existing mail).

That was my first instinct as soon as I read your post (because it's a virtually fail-safe way of fixing such problems on any device) and it appears to be confirmed by this thread on the Apple forum:
You may need to create an app password rather than your normal password.
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Thanks for replies. Will try some more and get back to you
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I have done the delete then recreate it now says outlook as opposed to hotmail but no emails coming through. Just said updated now not saying cannot connect to server ????
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Ok now got it back eventually phew not very tech minded me. Another question again on iPhone/iPad how do I move emails out of junk and get them to my inbox.
See 'Mark legitimate emails as not junk' here:

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