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Bazile | 22:17 Thu 11th Aug 2022 | Technology
3 Answers
I've got cables running in the house , which I believe are old BT telephone lines .

However there is only one cable coming from the BT pole on the street , into the house , which was put in when I changed to Sky for telephone / internet ( I can't how the old BT lines in the house is connected to the BT pole )

Anyway if I wanted to return to BT for telephone / internet , would this same cable be used ?


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BT and Sky use the same Openreach network to provide their services. So the phone line that's suppling you with Sky services (which is actually owned by Openreach) would be the same one used for BT services.
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Ok right - so those
other cables inside the house are redundant .

Apart from yet another lot of cables for Virgin, whom I left to go to Sky

Are the other cables extensions to connect extra phones? Not needed these days.

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