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Night Storage Heaters

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cupotee2 | 00:59 Sat 15th Dec 2018 | How it Works
8 Answers
I've a bit of query at the mo..we live in an all electric flat so have night storage heaters on Economy 7. Been here 12 years so quite used to them.

We were with Eon for years but 18 months changed to SSE. Last winter was fine..prices higher a little like they are everywhere..heaters worked one would expect.

I usually open them up around late PM or early evening.I regulate them daily depending on the problem. Doing exactly as I have done in the 12 years we've been here.

I am rather now concerned to find they are very hot even by the time we go to bed. It seems like they are coming on again later in the day without out knowledge..

Anyone know if this is actually possible?

I'll be taking meter readings daily over the weekend and if it looks like a problem then I will contact our supplier. Seems odd to me.



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They often have the facility to have an extra boost in case you run out of stored heat, but of course this uses peak rate electricity.

Either there is a malfunction, or the boost has accidentally been turned on.

Do you have an instruction manual?
Have a look at this, cupotee.

Economy 7/Domestic economy meters
This type of meter gives you seven hours of cheaper electricity during the night.

It has two readings – a ‘day/normal’ reading and a 'night/low' reading.

The timings for the readings depend on where you live and the time of year. Get in touch with us if you'd like to check what the timings are for your meter.

Just so you know, the clocks on Economy 7 meters don't change for British Summer Time (BST). They stay on GMT all year round.
It's nothing to do with your change of supplier.

If you've got the manual see if you have occidentally changed the settings. If you haven't got the manual, search for it online
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We have storage heaters and economy 10, rather than 7, which gives us an extra 3 hour boost in the afternoons. We have also just had all th time changed by the supplier, all for the better thankfully, but there are winter and summer timings.

Is the any chance that either you have been ungraded to economy 10 too, or that your timings are now winter ones not summer therefore an hour earlier.

Saw this too.

Economy 7
In some areas the times might be split. You might get two shorter blocks overnight instead or perhaps a small top-up boost during the day.
Sounds like your meter is switching rates at the wrong time. Check it at intervals if it is contact your supplier.
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Thank you for the replies. I have messaged my supplier for the night meter timings for my area.

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