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I really disapprove of them wearing fur in the big fashion shows, though
Question Author
I'm surprised there wasn't protesters inside the building, jno.
Didn't really put his/her heart into it though.
Cat looked better than the models. Fashion is really cxxp lately.
the languid look is in again, Mamya
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They never do, Mamya. Always very nonchalant with most things are cats.
I couldn't get the video to work on my tablet but what I saw was cute.

Cats are odd, most of them hate busy places like this, but this one seem so relaxed.

Maybe Trump will mention this incident on one of bizarre tweets.
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Thats the same one, Susan. A proper Diva if you ask me ;-)
Don't mind me I will just plonk myself down and lick my bits
I am talking about the cat I am not a contortionist
was it a deliberate ploy to distract the audience from the dreadful outfits on display?

can't get either vid to work, cats are cool you know, hence the catwalk...
Wow, loved that. Doing just what cats do - ignoring most of the people around it and having a good clean.

They are lucky that is well-behaved. My little(!) Princess Merlin would have her back leg around her neck and making the most disgusting noises. Then she would find someone (or more) to bite.
I'm surprised you don't all realised that it was deliberately put near the stage so that it would walk on

I.e. publicity

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Cat On The Catwalk !

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