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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
I think it was tramadol that neti mentioned
Common tramadol side effects may include: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, tired feeling; constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain; or feeling nervous or anxious.

If you want to feel nervous take a three yr old to a garden centre....oh lawdy. Turned round to see him waving a ceramic pot above his head, handfuls of gravel have been distributed into plant pots and everything's been patted and examined at far too close quarters (including a customer's dog). The best one was whisking the lid off a rhubarb forcing pot and peering into it for several minutes. He finally looked up and squinted in the sunlight and asked if that was a spider in there....haha. He marched into the shop on his own and had a chat with the assistant about wanting some seeds. I bought him some sunflowers... and nasturtiums because they always grow, not poisonous and they'll attract caterpillars if he's lucky. All round winner :)
Oh, it's his birthday tomorrow (not) and he's been chimbley sweeping with mummy...obviously doctors aren't being paid enough, lol.

yes tramadol.....excellent pain relief but hard core side effects....not usually an issue because people who need it tend not to run around like blue bottomed flies. Did laugh at you description of your outing....maybe you need the tramadol now?
I have got an overlocker. I have looked at it and put it back in the box....need all my wits for that one. I oversaw Heidi getting enough food today and then, as I have been doing, I left her and went downstairs to get coffee. I can watch her on a webcam..she decided that she didn’t want anymore lambs lettuce so she wandered off and found the chicory and tucked into that instead...
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They are Zaldiar 37,5mg/325mg . Defo not taking them again, felt so bad, couldn't taste anything not that I could eat anything. Will stick to 1000my paracetamol when it hurts.
Yes Robi that trip sounds exhausting, bless him, he sounds a delight to have around sometimes!
blimey they are paracetamol AND tramadol! no wonder they make you fee odd Neti
Oh crikey Neti ,that's a Tramadol type thing .I was given them once ,took them once and once was quite enough, thank you.Gave me nightmares and I felt spaced out ,awful stuff.
I'm taking Zapain atm 30mg/500mg. Not that I want to but needs must .I seem to tolerate them quite well. It's codeine and paracetamol.Does give you a dry mouth and it's suppressed my appetite a bit,which is no bad thing really ,otherwise I feel alright on them.Stomach was a bit up and down but it's settled now.I was a bit loathe as they have codeine in but they're fine.

Lol at Moondust,you'll soon be buying him a hedge trimmer.
Not done a lot today.Picky came over and mowed the lawn for us, so of course I had to roast a chicken and he's just gone on his merry way.
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Hi all, yes feel so much better today , never touching those things again. I may sell them in Pacha when I go!!
Lovely day here have been for coffee and sunbathe for an hour, had a chicken and salad lunch and now relaxing. Mr N left at 7am to work in San Antonio.
Only a real feel of 2C here so no sunbathing pour moi :)
Not much sun either ,drizzle ,some hail and breezy. The drillers and hammerers are in full swing next door .It's Sunday FGS ..bah.
Blooming freezing here too. Went round to my friend for coffee and a good gossip.
apparently there were flurries this morning, I didn't see any but it is still very parky out there. It's going to be 2 tonight, real feel minus 1.
sherry weather I think.....
Well the neighbours have been quiet now for a about 10 days. They've even cut their front lawn and tidied up the back. I'm only really concerned about the front. Well I should say she has done it as the young man does nothing. I'm a happy neighbour.
Paracetamol are my pain relief tabs. I take 2 then even if the pain goes I take 2 more every 4 hrs. like it says for 24 hours. Hope you get one that works for you Neti.
Well the football season is almost over. Derby are in the play offs and my girls under 16s are in a cup final on the 5th of May. They won the semi by 7 goals to 1. Very proud of them.
So if Derby get through to the final I could be going to Wembley.
Going to watch Country file now. I like that. See ya later
I don't mean the Cup Final I mean they go up to the Premier league.
Good luck Jude .It's glum faces here at shaneytowers because if Norwich don't pull their socks up they'll be out out of the Premier League after one season.
I've found and ordered one shoe.It's as supplied by the NHS but they don't seem to want to supply me so I've bought my own. It looks a bit clunky but offers more support than these daft sandals so I'll soon be zooming along,with any luck , as I'm getting slightly stir crazy.
Zooming to bed now ,night all.
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Good morning my lovely biddiebuddies. Nice fine day here at Village Neti. All have left for their work and I am left in solitude!
Am having a cuppa in bed, could get used to this, thanks to hija, Mr N never brought me a cuppa in bed!
Hope you all passed a quiet night and are raring to go!
I am raring to go to the mexico, I have been waiting excitedly since 4.30am. I have an appointment at 10.36 (intimidating me by the use of quarter hours is so old fashioned, it's done by the minute nowadays).
Good moaning...dull and going to plummet to a rf of 4C... *insert own word here* ridiculous.
I'm never going to turn the heating off for more than a few hrs at this rate. I forgot to mention I had my dual fuel quarterly bill on Sat...a mere £750. Several flowery words later I realised it was an estimate and 'based on previous bills'. I think they'd based it on the whole of Dubai's annual bill. I was all psyched up to give someone a right royal one but all I got was an automated option to update an estimated bill by using my phone's keypad. Tut.

I have a very large mug of tea in bed every day...once I've fetched it myself. cue violins

The sun's just peeped out to prove it still exists. It won't last.
btw, I was talking to Ozzy yesterday, it's cooled down 24C.
That's very precise jno.... KBO all.
hello all. was woken very early this morning by Shughy needing to eat grass and be sick.....several times. He’s better now and has eaten some chicken but very tired, can’t see us doing much today.
Morning all
Only 5C out there.Threatening to rain.I wish it would warm up a bit.
Nothing doing here.I'm not raring to go anywhere.
well, I've made 66666 posts, is this the number of the superbeast? I suppose I should dial it and see if he answers.
Ha ha Jno that made me laugh while waiting to see the dentist.

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