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A new XP installed on laptop.

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bestdriver | 19:34 Fri 13th Aug 2010 | Technology
7 Answers
My neighbour received an used laptop from her daughter. She installed a fresh copy of XP so now her hard drive has lost all the usual programmes/drivers for the internet. She has a modem installed in the laptop. Also a wireless broadband modem is being used for her master computer. Any ideas what she needs to install now?


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Goto the manufactuers website, find the support section and you'll be able to download all the drivers for it.

Get at least..

Wireless network (if it is wireless)
Sound card.
keyboard (or may be called hotkeys)

Then open the device manager and check there are no red crosses or yellow exclamation marks against anything, if there isn't you should be good to go.
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Right chuck, she has got Bluetooth Broadband,ATI. graphics,Atheros Wireless Lan,Sound and Lan Marvell? This was some of the things that her daughter remembered. What do you mean by Chipset? Thanks chuck
This would be a lot easier if you just posted the make and model of the laptop...

Chipset drivers are, basically, for the mainboard in the computer, they are not always needed for older stuff as the drivers will already be built into windows, but if they are available they should be installed.
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It is a Samsung R60 plus. The internet is working great using a feed straight from the Modem. I tried the Network Diagnostic for her and it now says " Windows is not currently managing your wirelesss network" when unconnected.
OK, in reverse order :)

the not managing your wireless error means that there is some other software looking after it, check all the icons down near the clock, it will probably be there.

And assuming you are looking here...

there seems not to be chipset drivers for that laptop, so just the the latest of all the others.
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I see that on the bottom right corner right clicking on the internet connection seems to be Atheros, and all the corresponding items are Atheros this and Atheros that ???.The Samsung site that you gave is good but the icons that they show on the tray are a slight bit different from her's so cannot help her.
I Don't know anything about the software that is currently controlling your wireless, I can tell you how to switch it back to window control though.

Control Panel | Network Connections | Right click on the wireless icon |
Click on Properties | Click on the Wireless Networks (tab) | Check "Use
Windows to configure my wireless network settings"

Then read here



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A new XP installed on laptop.

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