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Microsoft Office Outlook

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paddiez | 18:50 Thu 16th Jul 2009 | Computers
4 Answers
Help needed,please. When starting up my Microsoft Office outlook I get the Outlook page which then vanishes and is replaced with the following message "Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window" Anybody have a solution? Thanks in anticipation. Oh, all my other programs work fine.


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I get this from time to time usually after a microsoft update. Usually a reinstallation using the repair option fixes it.
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Thanks Richard 1966,but could you tell me more about the repair option,uploaded from where??
use the office disk you originally installed it from.
Yer, i put the original disk in and instead of doing a full install i get a screen asking if i want to Remove, repair or modify. I select repair and 10 mins later it sorted.

Not sure what you do if you have no disks.

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Microsoft Office Outlook

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