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Microphone problems

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marie1234 | 21:11 Wed 08th Oct 2008 | Technology
4 Answers
can anyone help me, i am using a microsoft lifechat headset and whenever i use audacity, speech recorder, msn etc it makes me sound so quiet!!

can anyone help me? even when i scream into it it sounds like im whispering into it!
i have also use the configure microhone thing aswell!


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Apologies if this falls into the category of the bleedin' obvious, but have you checked that the microphone is plugged into the correct socket? The problem you describe is consistent with the microphone being plugged into the 'line-in' socket, rather than the one for the microphone.

I'd see if you have done what Chris said..

Just wondering, do you have Realtek?
Question Author
i am using USB headset
You've not stated which version of Windows you're using (or whether your PC has got a separate sound card) but if there's a loudspeaker symbol at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, try this:

Right-click on the 'loudspeaker'.
Select 'Open volume controls'
Move all the sliders to maximum. (Because you're using a USB input, the slider you want could be 'Line In', 'Wave' or possibly something else. If in doubt, put everything at maximum).


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Microphone problems

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