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mrs.chappie | 12:58 Tue 28th Jul 2009 | Technology
5 Answers
I am having some problems with the microphone on my computer, so I typed into a search engine 'microphone problems' or summat like that, and RegCure came up.

It claims to have found 995 faults on my computer, and is asking for 30 dollars to fix it.

Does anyone know if RegCure is bonafide and will fix my computer? Or at least fix some of those 995 problems? And am I really likely to have so many problems on my computer?

I have the AVG free edition and no faults show when I run that. I find that mighty strange.

TIA. xxx


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Ignore it. Of course it says you have so many faults because they want you to pay for the software. Beware of anything that says it cleans up the register. This is only a task for the very experienced. Delete the wrong things and you will mess up your PC.

Get something like Spybot or ad-aware if you want to check for little nasties on your pc
Don't bother with regcure!

it will tell you you have x amount of faults and try and get you to pay for it to "cure" them when in reality there are no faults that need anything done to them.

it's highly unlikely that it's anything to do with the registry that is causing your mic problems, its much more likely it's simply muted.

Double click on the little speaker icon down by the clock, when the mixer comes up click on the file options menu and select properties, then click on the recording tick box and click OK, you should now see the input controls for your sound card, make sure that the mic is selected and turned up and click ok.
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Thanks very much paul and Chuck.

Chuck, I have done what you suggest, and have tried that previously with no luck. The microphone is not set to mute and the volume is turned on as high as it will go on the slider. I have bought two headsets, and I am having the same problem with both headsets.

I wonder if there is a fault with the computer.

Have you made sure you are plugging in the microphone plug to the correct socket?
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Hi Cockney. Yes, I have the plugs in the correct sockets, and I have tried switching them round too - no joy.

Thanks for your suggestion.

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