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Why do companies want to advertise on mobile phones

A. Many leading companies believe that mobile phones are the next new medium for advertisers. The idea is born of the text messaging phenomenon, and with 929 million text messages sent out in the UK01:00 Sun 25th Mar 2001

Why are websites being accused of falsely inflating visitor figures

A. Various web monitoring organisations, including ABC Electric and The Internet Advertising Bureau, have called for stricter rules governing the audit of visitor figures after many websites have01:00 Fri 23rd Mar 2001

Why is the government appealing to phone companies to help fight mobile phone crime

A. The UK home secretary Jack Straw has called on mobile phones companies, including Vodafone, BT Cellnet, One2One and Orange, to collaborate with the government to help find ways to make mobile01:00 Sun 25th Mar 2001

The cream of the IT Q&As

In recent weeks, the IT channel has received some exciting, some mundane, some surprising, some surreal, some serious and some silly questions that have never ceased to amaze the Answerbank team. The01:00 Sat 17th Mar 2001

What is Napster

A. Napster is a free music distribution service, devised by the US youngster Shawn Fanning. At the age of 19, the rock music fan wrote the software for Napster to allow Internet users to copy songs01:00 Sat 17th Mar 2001

What are PDAs

A. PDAs are the latest gadgets to hit tech-land. PDA stands for personal digital assistant and has taken over the filofax to become the indispensable tool for organising one's personal and business01:00 Mon 12th Mar 2001

Why are banner ads changing shape

A. Many web publishers are hoping that bigger and bolder banner ads will encourage net users to pay more attention to the products being advertised and thus increase the company's revenue.01:00 Mon 12th Mar 2001

Do violent computer games harm our kids

A. Psychologists attribute three harmful effects to media violence that they suspect might also apply to ultra-violent video game playing. They believe that game players, particularly children, may01:00 Sat 03rd Mar 2001

What is web radio

A. The Internet is the new platform for the world's top talk-show hosts and music DJs as thousands of radio stations migrate online everyday. Many of these broadcasters are traditional stations that01:00 Sat 03rd Mar 2001

How can I build my own website

By Christina Okoli ANYONE who's anyone has a website these days. Industry analysts say it could make or break your business. But, with all of its virtues, the very thought of building one's own01:00 Sat 03rd Mar 2001

Shedding light on cyberspace

IN RECENT weeks, the IT channel has attracted some cracking questions that have helped to shed light on even the darkest corners of cyberspace. One user, in fact, rekindled the war of the01:00 Sat 24th Feb 2001

Is it illegal to use a mobile phone while driving

By Christina Okoli A DRIVER was sentenced this month to five years in prison after his lorry hit and killed a pedestrian in a roadside lay-by. The presiding judge described the driver's actions as01:00 Sat 24th Feb 2001

How can you stop spam

By Christina Okoli What is email spam Spam is the common term for the sending of unsolicited emails to one or more email addresses by a company or individual. Like electronic junk mail, most spam01:00 Sat 24th Feb 2001

Unmetered access for a tenner

By Oliver Goggi WE could all soon be enjoying cheaper surf time following Oftel ordering BT to open up exchanges and reduce charges to rival ISP's. The industry watchdog said BT should free up its01:00 Mon 19th Feb 2001

How do you know if people are calling while you're online

By Anna Tobin BEEFY asked whether there are any programmes that work in the UK that alert you when you have an incoming call while you're online Some people who have call-waiting on their phone01:00 Fri 16th Feb 2001

Internet Investment

By Oliver Goggi IT's BEEN called the 'Dotcom Death-watch' and the casualties list is still growing. The last quarter of 2000 saw internet companies collapsing at an average of one per day, but those01:00 Thu 15th Feb 2001

Gimme that bleeeeping gadget

By Christina Okoli HERE are the gadgets you won't be seen without in a short time from now: 1. One of these days you'll be paying your bus fare with your mobile phone. Nokia, the mobile phone01:00 Mon 12th Feb 2001

The dot com name drop

By Christina Okoli FORGET about sticks, stones and silly nursery rhymes; in the dot com world, a name can certainly hurt you. Online businesses are scrambling to change their image, and01:00 Mon 12th Feb 2001

Mobile games leap to the next level

By Christina Okoli PICTURE it. Your in the middle of a game of Tomb Raider, you've surpassed your best ever score, you've slayed the villains, saved the virtuous, and now you're about to leap Lara01:00 Mon 12th Feb 2001

The great Internet rip-off

By Christina Okoli EVEN web surfers are getting caught in the tide of rip-off Britain. According to a recent report Internet users in the UK are paying more for high-speed access than their01:00 Sun 04th Feb 2001

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