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Using Facebook

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smurfchops | 15:25 Sat 14th Aug 2010 | Technology
16 Answers
If I go on my son's Facebook page, and he goes on it at the same time can he see my 'arrow' moving around his page? Don't ask ..


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How can you even be logged into his page at the same time as him?
flipping hope not -- i do the same to my boys x lol
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I don't know if he is on there at the same time as me. I just wondered ...
if you live in different houses, how could he know?
LOL, no of course not.

However, facebook now sends a notification email each time a different computer is logged into a users account, so if your computer has never been logged into his account before he will be notified you have logged in. (and even if it has been logged in before he can always remove it so it's treated as a new computer the next time you log in)
Chuck, I frequently log onto my own facebook account using different computers but I've never once received any sort of notification about this - how come?
Hmmm, OK I may have turned the notifications for that on at some point for my account then :)

If you click on account in the top right and select account settings and then click on the account security link towards the bottom of the page there is a option to turn on "Would you like to receive notifications for logins from new devices?"
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But can he find out it was me ? And how long has this notification been happening?
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Chuck I see what you mean, it is switched off. If he switches it to say Yes, how can he find out who was logging in ? Does it in some way give my email address or what ?? I am not doing this through my server, I use Mozilla.
If he switches it on then the next time you log in you will be prompted to give the computer a name and then he will receive a notification saying that a computer called <whatever you named it> has logged into the account
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if hes on it at the same time hell get logged out automatically and when he logs back in ull get logged out if using different tvs i did it to my niece while she was staying at mine a weeks ago and was laughing as she kept getting logged out lol
I have two computers in front of me, both currently logged into my facebook account and I can use them both without one or the other being logged out.
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Hi Chuck, this is getting really interesting ! When you say 'if he switches it on then the next time you log in you will be prompted to give the computer a name' where am I logging in to give a name ?? Mozilla ? Facebook ?
When you log into facebook

If you have your own account why not just turn it on for that account and see what happens.
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Good idea, chuck. thanks !

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